The man, later identified as Jason Allen, MI6's Director of Operations, smiled at Liv's comment.

- Agent Anderson has been working on the case for over a year, Allen said. He knows everything there is to know about Hobbs, so trust me, you'll need him.

- So what's the plan? Brad asked.

- The transaction is happening on Thursday in Paris, Agent Anderson answered, still looking at Olivia. I have my men on surveillance duty there. The mission's simple, show up, intercept the package and bring Hobbs back. Alive, he added.

- What about Wells? Liv asked, worried about her current mission. We can't keep on disappearing like that, he's gonna figure it out sooner or later.

- We'll take care of your target, the military man who had stayed quiet until then answered. Hobbs is your priority.

- Whoa, hold on a second, the girl said, not liking the sound of that. You can't just take over our mission like that. Does the AA know about this?

- Yes, Agent Miller, your Agency knows about it, Mrs Thompson said to the the American agent. We've been in close contact with the AA since we learned about Hobbs's plans.

Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was furious MI6 was taking over her mission so easily after all the hard work her and her team had put into it.

- We're not taking over your mission, Agent Miller, Mr Allen said. We're covering you while you focus on getting us Hobbs. Russell Wells is all yours, I promise.

The girl wasn't sure whether or not she could trust the man. The MI6 had screwed her and her team over in the past, but she wasn't going to let them do it again. The group spent the next hours discussing the new mission until Brad and Olivia had been brought up to speed on Hobbs and a strategy had been outlined to intercept the plutonium transaction and get Hobbs alive.

- Good to see you, Liv, as always, agent Anderson said once everyone had left the room, except Olivia and Brad, before giving the girl a hug.

- Wish I could say the same, Ben, she answered, mad at him for stealing her away from her primary mission, yet still hugging him back, while Brad was staring at them.

Olivia had worked with agent Benjamin Anderson on a few missions in the past, the two becoming friends with time, despite his involvement with the UK's Secret Intelligence Services.

- So what happened to moving on from MI6? she then asked in reference to a past conversation she had had with the lad.

Agent Anderson laughed at the girl's comment.

- Couldn't stay away from you, he answered, making Liv shake her head.

- Well you should have, because then you wouldn't be taking over my mission.

- We're not taking over, he answered, completely ignoring Brad's presence next to them. We just need your help. Look, I promise we won't do anything with Wells. As Jason said, he's all yours, we just want Hobbs.

Olivia couldn't help the roll of her eyes.

- And you can't get him yourself? Isn't MI6 capable of neutralizing terrorists on their own?

- More fun if you're involved, Anderson answered with a blink, making Brad roll his eyes this time.

- Are you two done? agent Simpson said, interrupting them. We still have a mission to finish here, and that won't be possible if the target notices we're not at the hotel.

- He's right, we should go, Olivia said to Ben.

- Alright, I'll see you both next week then, Ben said before giving the girl another hug, and kissing the side of her head.

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