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seo jihyun lived by a strict formal code. he was diligent, honorable, and righteous. but it was this exact moral code that landed him in a place where morality did not exist.

jihyun was on his way to pick up his daughter's birthday cake when he heard a shrill cry from the corner. if he had simply dismissed it, perhaps he would've been able to make it home to see his daughter blow out the candles of the spongebob cake he had ordered that night.

but he didn't.

instead, he found himself caught in the middle of a gruesome murder of a poor pizza delivery guy. his moral code prevented him from turning a blind eye. he did what he thought was the right thing to do — interfere.

"stop!" jihyun yelled, grabbing his gun. "stop where you are!"

jungkook's murderous eyes met the gaze of the dutiful father and he nearly laughed. he pulled the knife out of the victim's stomach and smiled, "hello there."

"stay right where you are, you psycho," he spat harshly, although the fear was evident in his eyes.

"i don't really care for that tone," jungkook snarled. he had never been one to take demands from people.

"yeah?" he said bravely. "well i'm the one with the gun so you better fucking listen."

jungkook clenched his jaw. his grip on the knife was so tight, his knuckles turned white.

"not another step," jihyun said, his voice shaking. "drop the knife."

jungkook's eyes burned with an intensity that was almost inhumane. "i'll fucking kill you," he growled with every intention of fulfilling his promise, but he dropped the knife to the ground and rose his hands up in temporary surrender.

"what's going on?" a voice interrupted, breathless as it rushed to jihyun's side.

"oh, thank god," jihyun breathed. "look man, i saw him kill that guy with my own eyes. i-i got him cornered. just call the cops."

the newcomer turned to face jungkook, his eyes glistening under the streetlights. "he killed him?" his voice shook with fear.

jihyun's entire body trembled, his hold on the gun tight and fearful. he nervously wiped the sweat off his forehead, "yeah, call the cops!"

he didn't dare let his grip falter, for the look on the murderer was so demonic, he felt like he had seen hell.

the newcomer fumbled desperately in his pockets for his phone, "fuck fuck fuck, it's out of battery." he paced, his eyes trained on jihyun's gun. "just shoot him man!"

jungkook's lips lifted into a sneer.

"i-i can't!" jihyun stuttered. "i'm not a killer!"

he had bought the gun for a false sense of security after his house was robbed last year. he never dared to use it, and even right then, as he held that much power and protection in his hands, it only felt like it was weighing him down.

"right," he panicked. "here, hand me the gun. you call the cops. i'll keep him where he is."

jihyun nodded feverishly, his entire body completely drenched with sweat. it was pathetic, really. why try to play the hero when you clearly weren't cut for the role?

he handed the gun to the newcomer who took it and pointed it at jungkook. he watched him from behind the deadly weapon, his eyes completely empty and void of any emotion.

just as jihyun was about to dial, the other man smiled and blinked away from jungkook. "oh shit, i forgot," he chuckled. "you may not be a killer but i am."

with a swift shift of his aim, he shot jihyun right in the chest and watched the body slump to the floor.

jungkook sighed as he dropped his arms, "you think you're funny, don't you?" he bent down to pick up his knife, the anger within him still raging.

"what an odd way to say thank you," taehyung pouted, carefully pocketing the gun. he watched jungkook with amusement as he approached him.

"thank you? i could've handled it myself," he scoffed.

"i beg to differ—"

"we both know he wouldn't have shot me, he was a coward with a gun he couldn't use. i could've gutted him with his own hands," jungkook said, wishing he could've strangled the idiot who dared to threaten him.

he breezed past taehyung, his mood brightening as he watched the small river of jihyun's blood. it was a shame he wasn't the one to drain it.

taehyung hummed lightly. something about blood and death made him extremely friendly. he gripped jungkook's arm and pulled him in for a kiss.

"did you like the show i put on for you?" he murmured. "i used your tactic. play a character. gain their trust. stomp on it."

"was that supposed to be a romantic apology?" jungkook glared at him.

taehyung grinned and kissed him again. under the twisted moonlight and bloodied streets, it was just them against the world.

"consider it...a debt," he said, his breath fanning against the other man's face. "you owe me a life."

just like that, lust turned sour. in a swift move, jungkook pulled out his knife and pointed it at taehyung's throat. taehyung's expression didn't waver for even a second as he was backed into the wall.

jungkook held the knife mere centimeters away from taehyung's tainted skin. "baby, let's make one thing clear here," he said with the same sickly sweet smile.

"i don't owe you any more than you owe me. i could kill you right now. or perhaps tonight in your sleep. or maybe even when you're busy fucking me. i don't owe you shit. don't get too comfortable, because i could kill you any time i wanted to."

he released taehyung but continued to hold him with his deadly gaze.

"i'm just as dangerous as you, if not more."

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