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park nayeon was a soft soul.

she saw the best in people, and foolishly, she believed in the good in people. unfortunately, it was this exact optimism that led her victim to a pair of psychopaths' trickery.

nayeon was a quiet dreamer who admired kim taehyung with all of her heart. but she was one of many admirers that night, a tiny speck lost in the huge crowd of his sold-out show.

unlucky for her, there was a guardian angel determined to befriend her that night.

they met outside of the stadium where her new friend gave the offer of a lifetime — the chance to meet kim taehyung.

(a/n: would y'all take the offer? lol)

"holy shit, are you kidding?" nayeon whispered, her eyes wide from shock.

"seriously, i'm on the team! i can get you backstage. you said you saved up for months for this concert. it's the least i can do to make sure you get your money's worth."

nayeon was unable to contain her excitement, "you have no idea what this means to me. he's my biggest inspiration. his music saved me when i was at my lowest points in life. i started making music because of him — dropped everything to pursue my dream!"

"good to hear! you look like a talented one, i bet you're making it big right now."

nayeon's happiness faltered for a second. "thanks," she smiled weakly. "but uh, actually, not really. i just moved here a few weeks hoping to get signed, but...no luck so far." dejection flooded into those bright eyes.

"aw," her new friend sympathized. "listen, i can't make any promises but maybe you could show your work to taehyung and he might be able to help out?"

"you're amazing," nayeon breathed, sparkles and dreams returning to her bright eyes. "seriously, i can't thank you enough. i'm nayeon."

"nice to meet you nayeon, i'm jungkook," he bowed his head. "how many in your party? i'll get you and your friends backstage passes."

"oh, it's just me. i haven't really gotten to making any friends since i moved here."

"lovely," jungkook noted with a smile. "just lovely. see you at the back gate after the show."

with a wink, he left her, his hands stained with the blood that was yet to come.

funny how a simple promise could make a foolish girl look forward to the moment of her own death.

nayeon could barely enjoy the concert as the thought of meeting her idol plagued her mind. she fluttered to the back gate with her heart on her sleeve and her life on a string.

when she saw taehyung, it was like all of her dreams came true. the star greeted her with a light kiss on her cheek and smiled at her like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

he had that effect on people. his smile tore down all of their defenses and laid beautiful flowers on their soul — flowers that died and burned along with his cleaved kindness.

upon jungkook's encouragement, nayeon played some of her original music for them.

"written, produced, and sung by me," she said, shy as her idol listened to her songs. "you guys are the first people i've shown this to." she smiled at jungkook, eternally grateful for the opportunity.

nayeon's music was a deeply personal piece of artwork to her. there were stories hidden in her lyrics and untold emotions lined in her voice. nayeon bared her soul to them when she chose to share her work.

"i love it," taehyung said quietly, his electric celebrity smile making nayeon blush.

it was probably the highlight of the poor girl's entire life. for the first time in her entire life, nayeon felt like she was finally accomplishing something.

but all artists knew: to create, one must sacrifice.

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