Chapter 9

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Word Count: 4030



For a week, you spent your days tending to Bakugou's wounds. At first, his body was tense and apprehensive to your unusually considerate touch, but soon the gentle sensation was embraced by the blond. To see that your willingness to touch him was growing was a triumph in his mind, a step closer to you becoming his; however, there was still a great divide between the two of you.

Whenever he initiated a touch, he was severely unwanted.

Unlike how you would touch him in the past, he knew now that whenever you reached out to him now it was in good faith. Feeling your soft fingerpads, the blond would go lax in your hold eyeing you up while you were focused on your work to heal him. Sometimes during these moments, he would make an attempt to touch you in an equally caring manner, like tucking a piece of loose hair back into place.

Bakugou had hoped that you would mimic him and find comfort in his touch--that you would fall victim to him just as much as he did to you.

Sadly, you would do the opposite.

Your body would go rigid, stiffing like ice until he released you from his grasp. The only time he was able to feel you rest in his arms like a true lover was when you were asleep because in order to roam free in the night sky chasing shooting stars, your mind had to abandon your body, leaving it in his care.

Before he took you, Bakugou was almost always the first to bed. He would be far in his journey of the cosmos the moment the sky would become diluted by dark ink of night. When he was asked about why he would turning in so early, his default response was that he was a warrior he needed to restore his energy. While that somewhat true, the real reason he went to bed so early was that Bakugou secretly enjoyed the peace that slumber would bring. After a long day of hunting or scouting, all he would want to do is to escape the extras, be alone in his mattress, spread out across the soft bedding to conquering every soft inch of it, and entering his own personal universe.

Most nights in his world, he had no shortcomings. He had been married at the traditional time, the head of the tribe, a child on the way, and he was admired by all-- a perfect world that only lived in his mind.

Of course, there were also forenights where his magical world was more like a torture chamber, making him relive vicious memories he would much rather forget or there would be a flurry of phantasms that were too realistic for his own good.

On those bastardizing nights, Bakugou would wake in a cold sweat, panting, white-knuckling whatever he could get his hands on. His mind reeling over what he had just seen. He despised how his body would involuntarily hunch up into a tight ball, shaking like a tree withstanding a great storm. Being in the real world would feel peculiar to him during those moments--was this actually the real world or was it another figment of his imagination?

It would take time, but eventually, he would gain his bearing on reality again, and then his day would begin. It didn't matter if the sky was still dark or that the others were not awake, Bakugou knew that he couldn't return to his world for the rest of the night. It was a vicious cycle he lived in.

Bringing you into his life, he didn't expect you to have the effect you had on him till he had his night alone.

At first, he wasn't a fan of the idea of sacrificing so much of his bed to another but the moment he had his arms around your small frame he didn't mind the loss of space at all. You brought an overwhelming amount of comfort to the blond by providing a new source of warmth in the typically cold bed. Being slightly clueless to the way being in bed with another worked, Bakugou had always thought that your tense body against his was normal until he woke up before you the day he went through your bag.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant