Chapter 3

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Word Count: 4307 



Waking up you prayed that this would be all a dream.

But, reality is cruel.

The first sign that this wasn't a dream was that you didn't smell the ocean breeze that you grew up with. No, instead the smell of grass and dirt flooded your senses.

Rubbing your eyes, you took in the area around you.

The only change was that Bakugou was no longer in the small makeshift home. Warily, you rose from the bed. You could hear the commotion of his tribe members outside the thin skin walls as you made your way around the space.

Now that you were exploring the room, you could see just how much these people were lacking confirming your hunch from when you arrived. This was not their true settling grounds. These people had traveled a great distance to hunt down your tribe and erase them from history. Lifting the lids of the few clay pots you inspected their contents as one thought repeated through your head--why?

Your people rarely ventured past the settling grounds. The ocean had provided you with plenty making you not rely on the forest or grasslands as other tribes did. You were able to keep to yourselves only experiencing other tribes if they were nomadic and those interactions were far and few between. Any time you did have a visiting tribe, they were surprised by the hospitality your tribe offered and typically lead to the tradings of goods.

Looking to the bed you studied the pelts that made up the blankets and padding below. Lifting them carefully, you felt over the mixture of soft and rough furs most of the furs being foreign to you. You didn't even know what half these animals were or where they originated from. 

Slowly, your (E/C) orbs drifted over to where the blond had slept. A clear indent of his body was stamped into the bed from swishing the grass bed that laid below. Your own imprint next to his. If a stranger was to see the forgotten shadow of your entwined bodies they have probably thought you were the happiest of lovers.

But that was far from the truth.

Your hand grazed over your neck making you spring over to where different piles of his clothes laid. Going through the stacks you searched for your precious necklace. In spite of being fully clothed, you felt naked without that piece of jewelry wrapped around your neck. It has always been there for as long as you could remember.

Letting out an internal scream at seeing that the pouch you were so desperately searching for was not in the collections of clothing you went to scouring over everything in the home. The fruits of your labor not being the pouch you sought after, but instead, was a range of weapons. Although it was tempting to take one for protection for yourself, it wasn't worth getting caught with it on your body.

Irritated you stomped your way to the entrance of the home. Your fingers working quickly on undoing the several knots that sealed the two flaps shut. Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the home to be met with the blinding sun.

Bringing your arm up, you blocked out the harsh rays allowing you to inspect the camp more in-depth. Each of the homes had unique paintings to them as if to reflect the owners that slept inside them. To the other side of the grounds, the horses were resting from their long journey from your tribe. A few feet away, there were several of the tribal members surrounding a fire, the smell of meat cooking hitting your nose.

Your presence was not hidden for long as a certain redhead ran up to you, "Nice to see you up (Y/N)! Kota is still asleep but I'm sure he will be up soon."

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora