Chapter 15

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Word Count:  5168




You were encapsulated in warmth. It almost felt like you were wading in the ocean, only touching the heated surface of the endless watery mirror. 

Slowly, your other senses began to wake up. 

The smell of a hot sugary sweetness mixed with a salty freshness. 

The weight that you carried both on your back and front. 

Attempting to stretch your body, you were found that it was an impossible task as multiple limbs were clamped down upon your person thus stopping your movement as if you were pinned butterfly. 

Falling limp into their hold, you slowly split open the seal on your (E/C) marbles. Greeted by a dark blurry world your eyes fluttered working quickly to adapt to the darkness and create a clearer picture of the world for your mind. 

A slim ribbon of red slipped under the crack of the cloth door. Although it was not much light, it painted the darkroom in a hot fiery red tone. 


It had been a long time since you had woken up in time for a sunrise. You used to race down to the sandy seaside to watch the gods paint their canvas. It was always a moment of solace for you. A moment between just you and the gods. It was as if their sky painting were just for you making sure they never brushed you the same masterpiece. 

Memorized by the bleeding ground, your mind began to illustrate its own sunrises. 

The bright star of the sun radiating rays of molten golden gorse slowly ended the reign of the darkness of the night. Bountiful ivory clouds dyed to the color of lavender sea thrift. Seafoam washing the obsidian color away from the sand to reveal its treasured taupe color. The water already shimmering so bright it almost made you wonder if when the waves returned to the sea, would there hundreds of diamonds scattered across the gritty soft ground? Surely if the moon ever saw how brighter the sun made the ocean glimmer, it would have been eternally jealous of its hotter twin. 

Another jostle of a movement called your attention down to your chest. 

Your heart leaped to your throat at the sight of the jet-black hair nestled into your chest. A sudden wetness coated your eyes as a broken breath left you. No, you can't cry. 

Abandoning your hold on his small body, you carded your hands through his silky locks. Just even ruffling his hair slightly you could smell the sea salt that somehow still clung to his being. He still smelt like home. 

"Kota." You whispered as you brushed through his hair before placing a kiss on his usually hidden forehead. 

Dark brows scrunched together but the boy showed no signs of waking up from your tender morning call. Instead, he came to smother himself deeper into your chest with a whine. A tell-tale sign that he was up late the night before. 

Did he sneak away from Kirishima in the middle of the night again?  

You swore that the makeshift pillowcase you gave would have lasted longer than this. But you weren't one to complain about this new development in your arms. The last time you held Kota like this had been when you were first taken by Bakugou. 

The tickling against your neck reminded you of your other bedmate. The one that reeked of unselfishness sugariness. It was a shame that he wasn't as sweet as he smelt. 

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now