*help no brain*

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Bakugo pov)

Ei is doing that annoying thing where he sucks on his pen. I've learned that he always has to fidget with something if he wants to stay quiet. I throw down my math book glaring at Kiri and scaring Kami.

"You're distracting me." Kiri quirks a brow before looking down at the pen. He takes it out of his mouth.

"Sorry I didn't realize I was making an noise!" I glare at him more.

"You weren't." His eyes go wide as he puts two and two together. He smirks lightly.

"Well, sorry anyway."

"Umm, I'll go." I grab Sparkys wrist.

"If you leave I'm sure Kiri will get bored of studying pretty fast. Sit your ass down." He nods, quickly going back to work. Then Pika starts tapping his foot on the floor. I groan, lolling my head back. "You know what. If you need help you have my number. Out." Kami start quickly getting all his stuff and

"Let's take a break. My head hurts." I look over at Kiri.

"And what do you prepose we do?" He smiles sheepishly. "What?"

"I want a kiss." I sigh softly.

"What are we gonna do with you? Come er." He crawls over to me, setting his hands on either side of me. He leans forwards and lightly presses his lips on mine. I smile, pulling him the rest of the way. The door opens to quickly for us to break apart and in walks Mina. I pull away, shoving Ei from me. "You ever heard of knocking dumbass!?" I shout. She smiles.

"Yes, but common room. The class is there and we're playing a game of truth or dare. And you two are joining." I groan.

"Why the fuck would we want to do that?" Kiri laughs, getting up and dragging me with him.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" I sigh, letting myself get tugged to the elevator then to the common room. I sit down on Kiris lap, splaying out across him.

"Kacchan, isn't that Kirishima's shirt?" I sigh.

"Yeah, it's comfy. Got a problem with that?" I glance over at him. He shakes his head, turning his attention back to Icyhot.

"Awww! Soft Bakugo!" I snap my head to Spider man.

"Say that again and I'll kick your ass!" I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Be nice. It wouldn't kill you ya know." I rip my arm out of his grip.

"Excuse me, who helped you and Sparky for a hour earlier? That's right, me! I only used my quirk 3 times!" Kiri huffs, throwing his hands up in defeat. "That's what i fucking thought." I relax my body against his, his hand snakes it's way in my hair. I tilt my head into his hand and he scratches my scalp.

"Okay! Now that everyone's here we can start!" Pinky's voice cuts through the small chatter. "I put everyone's name in a hat, who ever I pick will start." She reaches into the hat and pulls out a piece of folded paper.

Kiri pov)
"Kami! You start." He perks up, looking around the room. His eyes land on Deku and light up.

"Deku, truth or dare?" The smaller thinks for a minute.

"You and Todoroki have to play 7 minutes in heaven." Everyone gasps and Deku blushes.

"What's that Midoriya?" He looks up at Todoroki.

"Well, we go into a closet for 7 minutes and umm. I can't say it. Just, come with me." They disappear. We all hear quiet talking but nothing to special. They walk out and Todoroki looks confused.

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