*no thought brain empty*

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Katsu pov)

I wake up feeling like shit. Where am I, my heads throbbing, my body aches, and my back feels like death. I blink my eyes open and see I'm in a run down room. Then the memories come back. The burning, the blood, the pain. I've been here for what seems for ever. I need to get back. Get out. The door opens and my head snaps over, making me groan cause it already hurts.

"Oh, Good you're awake. Boss! Our guest is ready." A deep gravely voice comes from the door way, I try to stand up but I quickly remember I'm being held down.

"Oh Bakugo, and old friend." I recognize the voice, it's that crusty bitch from the league of villains.

"Don't fucking call me that." He laughs, walking in and sitting down on the chair in the middle of the room.

"I suggest you respect me Bakugo. I think you forgot who I am. I'm the leader of the league of villains. I could kill you for all you know. And this plan is fool proof. Besides that little boyfriend of yours killed himself anyway. He won't be coming for you anytime soon." His words tear through me, no, he's fucking with you. He didn't die, Red is still out there somewhere. "I can tell you don't believe me. Here's the new from today." He throws something near me, it's a newspaper. The headline reads,

One UA student stolen, the Other dead.

I continue reading and I feel tears form I'm my eyes.

"The Student In class 3A knows as Bakugo Katsuki was kidnapped by the league of villains on Wednesday and we have reports of another student being rushed out in and ambulance. Kirishima Eijiro, as he's known, was taken to the hospital on Wednesday and we have no further updates on his case. It's said he over dosed after Bakugo was kidnapped." I stop reading. Why would you do this Eijiro? You should've held on.

"So, you wanna keep fighting me? Cause it's either you obey of your parents are next." Crusty lips says, leaning forward.

"I'll do whatever the hell you want. Just, please, leave my class and my parents out of it." He seems happy with that answer.

"Good, your first task is to post that you are okay and fine on all your social media. You can't do anything funny, because your phone is bugged. It physically won't allow you to do anything but post." He shoves my phone over to me, letting me pick it up. I go to my Instagram, typing a quick.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Before hitting send before moving into Snapchat and messages. Right at I hit send I get a avalanche of texts from family and friends. I slide my phone back to him and he breaks it.

"Good, second task is to tell us where UA plans their next field trip." I quirk a brow, we were going on a field trip.

"I'm being honest, I have no idea what you're talking about. To be 100% with you I never pay attention to stupid shit like that." He frowns, stepping closer.

"I have a feeling you're lying. Be right back." He leaves the room, coming in with a new person. "This person can tell if you're telling the truth. So go ahead, tell him what you told me."

"I didn't know we were going on a field trip. I don't listen to stupid shit like that in class." The new guy nods.

"He's telling the truth, should I stay in here?" Crusty nods, coming back and sitting on the chair in the middle of the room.

"Tell me about your class."

"Tell you what? Be more specific." He scowls.

"Who do you think is the strongest?"

"Me or Momo. Maybe Kiri."

"Why do you hate Deku?"

"Don't hate him, just gets on my nerves." And that's how it was for what seemed like hours. Back and forth quick answers and questions. At some point burnt bitch came in.

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