(F) Rykey - Broken mold

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Totally a vent thing.
People that don't know much about the "old" drama happening between Mikey and Rye will be a little confused.
Also not a lot of people know about my hidden love for Rykey but man, I love them together.
IG: quiet_roadie


Don't be that way,
Fall apart twice a day,
I just wish you could feel what you say.

I wish you'd known how much I hated fighting with you. I wish you'd understood how much it hurts to not have you around anymore. I wish you'd see me hurting every day so you could say sorry although it should be me saying sorry. I was so embarrassed for my own actions, regretting them the second the drama happened.

I wish.

I wish.

Show, never tell,
But I know you too well,
Got a mood that you wish you could sell.

You know everything about me, how's so you didn't know I was hurting? All I wanted was your arms around me, my arms around your waist, hugging you, hugging you so tightly you would begin to laugh because I would unintentionally tickle you. But then, it would be intentional because I loved the way you laughed. When you laughed, everyone was laughing, you were the sunshine that kept my path lighten up. Without you, everything went downhills so fucking quickly.

Hand, hands getting cold
Losing feeling is getting old.

The first time I saw you after all that drama, it felt like I will throw up on the spot. I was afraid.

So afraid.

So afraid you wouldn't forget what I said. So afraid you wouldn't let me apologize. So afraid you won't accept me anymore. The thought of losing you completely was making me paralyzed and I'd know it was my fault.

When I saw you, all I wanted was to hold your face in my hands, stare at you down, stare at your smile that you always had on your face, my thumbs stroking your cheeks, being thankful you are here, we're here together. Thankful I can hold you in my hands, study your face although I know that beautiful face of yours better than my own. Look into your eyes and get lost just for a split second before you scold me off to not stare, be jealous of the oceans in your eyes, wishing mine were as beautiful as yours, then listen to you saying, "Yours gorgeous.".

Was I made from a broken mold?
Hurt, I can't shake,
We've made every mistake,
Only you know the way that I break.

When you called out my name, something bloomed deep inside my heart.

When you said "Rye, mate.", I almost melted on the spot.

When you forgave my stupidity and accepted me back, it was the most relieving feeling I have ever felt in my life.

The second my arms wrapped around your body, it felt like I was holding the whole world in my arms. And the way you tilted your head up to see me? So adorable I wanted to bite into that squishy cheek of yours. Too bad we've lost such connection. Or did we?

"I missed you, man." You said, looking up into my eyes and for a second I thought the earth stopped spinning. It's so easy to look at you, always was, and always will. I could stare at you the whole day and not get bored, I could count all the small freckles on your face, every single vein in your eye, every single little tone of color in your hair and not get bored. Ever.

"I missed you too," I replied, squeezing you in my arms as you began to laugh, as I always thought you will.

Was I made from a broken mold?

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