(S) Sandy - On the edge

411 11 3

100% Sandy smut, you're welcome.
This was a request I enjoyed more than I thought I will. Keep sending requests and maybe I will write a drabble for you!
IG: quiet_roadie


"Sonny, not the best timing for this." Andy gasped a little as soon as he was pulled over Sonny's lap, the younger boys' hands sliding right down to give the smaller boy a rough squeeze on his ass. It didn't take long for the big pair of hands to move forward, untying the light blue string of Andy's grey sweatpants, making them way looser around his hips.

"I know, that's why I am doing this," Sonny replied with an obvious playfulness in his voice, watching that flustered boy sitting on top of him. Sonny was fully aware of the upcoming plans they had as him and the rest of the boys agreed on dinner outside just to bond a little and possibly discuss some band strategies, although all of them agreed on having a chill evening.

"We're leaving in 10," Andy said with a shaky voice, especially when he felt Sonny's hand palming him through the thin fabric of his sweats. The blond boy let out a shaky breath, clutching on the other boy's hoodie for dear life, mainly to not let out any possible sounds.

"Enough time to work you up even more until I allow you to let go." Sonny's whispers were husky, low, seducing and it was messing with Andy's head so much he felt lightheaded. His hips bucked forward, trying to get more of those lustful touches from Sonny.

It's been three days and Andy was about to lose his goddamned mind. His beliefs in himself were strong enough to convince him he could go three days as Sonny will edge the hell out of him. The first day wasn't too bad, second was a little difficult and this time, when he knew at night this torture will be over, he felt like he might explode in every possible minute.

It took all of Sonny's will power to not just flip Andy over, slam him down on his messy bed, and do what both of them wanted. Instead of all of this, he slowly pulled Andy's sweats down just to take a hold of his already unclothed cock, smiling a little, noticing that Andy followed Sonny's rule of not wearing underwear to a perfection. As soon as Sonny's hand wrapped around Andy's already throbbing length, the smaller boy jolted forward as he grabbed on the other boys' free hand with his own.

"Squeeze when it gets too much." Sonny purred lovingly, knowing this is the easiest and fastest way for Andy to let him know when he is way too close, earning a soft nod from the smaller boy.

Sonny kept a slow, steady movement of his hand on Andy's length, going up and down carefully with as little force as possible, yet it still made his boy gasp and quietly moan in pleasure. The blond boy's head tipping back as small huffs escaped his lips, sometimes intertwining with high pitched whines. Anytime Sonny just tried to speed up a little, the squeeze on his other hand increased, finding it so adorable that Andy is able to stay so on edge the whole time.

"Do you think you can last until our evening?" With Sonny's question, Andy's gaze fell down, giving him a few unsure nods.

"Good boy."


"Sonny." Andy breathed out needily as soon as they closed themselves in Andy's room, pulling that tall boy closer to himself by his hoodie. He earned some eager yet little mocking giggles from Sonny, not wasting any of their time as his hands went straight down to pull down Andy's sweats, as well as his own. As soon as both of them were unclothed on their bottom halves, Sonny scooped Andy into his arms, the other boy wrapping his hands around Sonny's neck, clamping his knees on both sides of Sonny's hips.

"You're so cute when you're horny like this." Sonny purred a little mockingly again, knowing he will earn a frustrated groan from his boy.

"Just fuck me already," Andy growled into Sonny's ear, biting down on the earlobe playfully.

In a matter of seconds, his back was securely pinned against the wall, Sonny's hands sliding down to spread his ass a little more before he let Andy slip a little more down right onto his hard dick. That caused that smaller boy to shiver both in pain and pleasure as the stretch wasn't too bad without any preparation, yet it was still there. The taller boy kept a good tension between their bodies, pressing Andy against the wall enough so he won't fall down but keeping some distance to start pounding into him.

"G-Goodness gracious." Andy groaned, finally letting that relief of something inside of him wash over him as the frustration was so pent up in his body, actually feeling like he will lose his mind very soon.

"So fucking tight." The other boy growled into Andy's ear, taking a good hold of his ass just to pound into him. Fast, sharp, no mercy has been taken on the blond smaller boy as Sonny fucked his brains out.

He watched his boy being in pure bliss, his opened mouth so provocative to just slip his tongue in and explore every inch of him but that would silence those already pretty quiet but eager moans. Neck so exposed it would lure any vampire in, the body was hidden in his hoodie so teasingly he would rip it into pieces, thighs so squishy and ready to just bite all over them, ass so round and so perfect right into Sonny's palms, knees all red and bruised from previous playtimes, so easy to spot what Andy has been doing.

"Mine, mine, mine," Sonny growled repeatedly into Andy's ear, hearing his boy pant in pleasure as the squeeze around his hips increased, knowing Andy is holding back quite a lot already.

"Will you make me happy?" Sonny followed with a smirk, earning a louder moan from Andy as he furiously nodded.

That was their little code for giving both of them permission to come, both of them were so responsive to that sentence it sent Andy over the edge almost immediately. A mess spilled all over their bottom halves, dripping down from Andy's crotch down on his balls, messing up Sonny's hips and crotch area as well. It didn't take long for the other boy to reach his blissful state of mind as well, coming into his boyfriend as he always did, both of them loved the feeling equally.

A few minutes of comfortable silence spilled around the room before Sonny regained some strength into his limps, pulling both of them away from the wall just to plop down onto Andy's bed, completely physically destroyed.

"You did so well my baby." Sonny purred into Andy's ear just to feel a pair of lazy arms wrapping around his neck, pulling Sonny in for a kiss.

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