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Okayy... So this chapter is kind of supposed to be funny but... I don't know if you guys are going to laugh. Lol XD

Everyone went back to what they were doing. Talking, reading, playing... Fubuki got off his bed, wincing a little, before walking towards Ichinose slowly due to his wound. Endou had finished telling his story so Fubuki thought that it was time to tell Ichinose the news. Ichinose was talking to Mark and Dylan. Fubuki stopped beside them.

"Hey, Fubuki... Shouldn't you be resting?" Ichinose asked. Mark and Dylan kept quiet. They now know about Fubuki's past and about Atsuya. Fubuki handed Ichinose the paper. Ichinose scanned the paper and gasped. Mark and Dylan peered in to see why Ichinose gasped. Ichinose is going to be fighting in the arena tomorrow.


"They're messing with us,"


Fubuki sighed. "They seem to have a little interest with us. They want to push us to see how far we can go,"


"This is how it goes. Someone from our group has already went into the arena and fight today. So they most probably won't call out group until the day after tomorrow as they want to let those who haven't fought today have a chance to fight. That's how they plan it. I don't know why, but they're making us do two days a row..." Fubuki explained.

"Nani (What)..."

"As you can see, you're going to be up against someone tomorrow. Zanxus. He's an orge. He physically strong. But I'm sure you can counter that with your speed. As long as you don't let him touch you and attack from a long range, you should be alright. But... If you are caught, things might not go so well," Fubuki said.

"But... I don't know how to fight. It's like sending me to my death!" Ichinose exclaimed.

"Kazuya..." Dylan muttered putting a hand on Ichinose's shoulder.

"Trust me. That's how Kimiro, Sayuka and I learnt how to fight. On our first few fights, we were practically being beat up too. Nearly died a couple of times," Fubuki chuckled at the memory. "But remember one thing. If you want to survive, do it like you mean it. Don't hold back when you've got a chance to strike. Just like soccer, don't hold back when you have the chance to shoot a goal. If you do, you won't be able to win and make it out alive,"

"Thanks for the tip. But still.... Are you saying that I should just go into the arena and get beat up?" Ichinose asked.

"Yeah! Are you planning to let him get bet up?" Dylan asked.

"Whether you get beat up or not, that depends on what you do. If you don't want to get beat up or anything, then I suggest you should go do something about it. Now," Fubuki said.

"But-!" Dylan was cut off.

"Train. He means train," Mark said. Fubuki just flashed a smile and started walking away.

"Matte (Wait)!" Fubuki stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Nani (What)?" Fubuki asked.

"Could you..." Ichinose gulped. He couldn't believe he was going to say this. "Could you please help me train?"

Fubuki let out a smirk. "I'm fine with that. But I'm going to be making your life a living hell,"

Ichinose gulped again. "Please! I'll do it!" Ichinose exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" A sly smile could be seen on Fubuki's lips.

"Yes!!! I'm sure!!!!"

"What? I can't hear you~"

"YES! I WILL TAKE UP YOUR HELLISH TRAININGS!!!!" Ichinose was already screaming on the top of his lungs. Everyone in the room was already starring at him like a madman.

"Alrighty then! Let's go!" Fubuki said dragging Ichinose towards the door. Ichinose was regretting his decision already.


"No turning back on your word. Don't worry. I'll go easy on you. Time to go~~"


And the door was slammed shut. Everyone in the room stared at the door. They could still hear the screams of Ichinose. Yup. He had just done it. He has just asked their sadistic leader to train him. The others could only pray for his safety.

"You think... Kazuya will be alright?" Dylan asked while sweatdropping.

"Hope so," Mark said.

"Wuu~hu~~ Don't worry, Ichinose Kazuya-kun. I shall prepare you a grave where you can rest in peace," Sayuka said. The others stared at her.

"Farewell," Kimiro added and the two of them went out of the room.

"Where do you think they're going?" Kabeyama asked.

"Probably to watch as Ichinose gets tortured..." Hiroto said with a sweatdrop.


At 12.00am, everyone was already in bed. But most of the couldn't sleep yet. They were all restless, not wanting to believe that they were really in this mess. They have already lost two of their friends on the first day.Who knows how many more days they would need to survive...

Just then, the doors creaked open. Gouenji who was closest to the lights, flipped the switch on and everyone took out their weapons, ready to attack. Just then, they heard a voice saying, "Get in!". After that, some thing was fell into the room following by a sadistic Fubuki who was smirking. Kimiro and Sayuka was walking inside as if nothing happened.

"That was an amazing show!" Sayuka exclaimed.

"I agree!" Kimiro chirped before looking around to see everyone ready to attack. "What? You guys thought someone is coming to kill you guys?"

"Puh-leaze! They don't have the key," Sayuka said.

"But they can always pick the lock,"

"Point taken,"

The thing that fell into the room began to move. It let out a groan. Just then...

"K-Kazuya?!" Dylan exclaimed. Both he and Mark scrambled off their beds and rushed to help their friend up. Ichinose had blood and dirt here and there. His hair was in a mess and he looked like he just came out of an oven. He was sweating a lot.


Everyone sweatdropped. Fubuki certainly did not go easy on Ichinose. Fubuki yawned. "He needs more training. But I'm afraid there's no more time," Fubuki then looked at everyone in the room. "All of you better start your own training. Or else you guys will never be able to win. We only know that Ichinose is going to fight tomorrow as we won something during dinner that might help us. But after tomorrow, we won't know who will be going next unless we win prizes or the Dark Games want us to know. Bear in mind that the prizes can be absolute junk. Maybe there wouldn't even be any prizes to win. So bear in mind that you can always be next and tomorrow can always be your last day if you're not careful. That's how things are in the Dark Games,"

Everyone nodded. "Goodnight!~" Fubuki said and went to the toilet, ignoring the poor Ichinose who was being supported by Dylan and Mark.

"Don't worry Kazuya! We'll help you!" Dylan exclaimed with a grin as both Dylan and Mark dragged, or you could say, carried Ichinose to the toilet to help clean him up. Kimiro and Sayuka went to the girl's art of the toilet for a nice warm bath. The rest went back to bed, trying their best to sleep. Tomorrow's going to be anther dangerous day. Not only would they need to pray that their friend survives, they must also pray that they themselves make it through...

Haha. Not much good parts in this story haha :P But still, please leave a comment and vote! The next chapter should be more interesting, I guess. XD Poor Ichinose. Good luck on your match XD

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