Gevatter Tod

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Wheee as I said the update is soon so..... here's the next chappiee~ I'm getting eggcited myself >.< (p.s. I'm not sure if anyone dislikes the OCs here but well, I here are one of the times they can come out quite useful bwuaha) 

Thanks for those who voted for Inazuma Eleven stories to be updated into her vote I set up in a story named 'My Profile'. Here it is bwuahah xD anyways, I won't take up too much of your time, enjoy~~

"Stop acting as if life is a rehersal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed," - Wayne Dyer


Once the door had been shut, the whole place started shaking again. Everyone grabbed onto everything they could as the ground continued to rumble.

"What the hell is going on here?! The heck is a blood sacrifice ritual?!"

"What in the world happened to him?!"

"Why the heck is the building shaking?!"

Everything was in utter chaos. As the room continued to shake, they could only stare at each other with fearful eyes which no clue on what was going on. Their minds could only begin to imagine what had become of their leader after he was suddenly grabbed by that... Thing. Who was going to lead them now?

Just as sudden as the rumbling began, it stopped. No one dared to move a muscle, everyone tensed and waiting for anything to come up. Just then...


A squeal from Aki cause them to turn around, only to see that the wall was bleeding. Scarlet rained down from the ceiling slowly, drenching it with viscosity.

"W-Which race lives above us?!" Natsumi questioned. They felt someone pour cold water down their backs as they watch blood continue to flow down the white wall, staining it with a bright colour. Unfortunately, Natsumi's question was unanswered.

Kimiro glanced at Sayuka. Both exchanged glances before nodding.

"Every year, there will be a blood sacrifice ritual where the leaders are chosen to go somewhere," everyone turned their attention to the senior human representatives. "We don't know exactly what happens but usually, it passes with no commotion,"

"That means everthing's gonna be alright?" There was much doubt in Ichinose's tone as he stated that. Kimiro looked down.

"But this is the first year that something this big has happened," Sayuka continued for Kimiro. "And what's worse, we don't know exactly what happened to Fubuki. Usually, the leaders would leave through the door unharmed,"

The temperature in the room suddenly seemed a lot colder. Questions flooded their head. What in the world was that thing? And why were they told specifically not to go out of their rooms? Was something big about to commence?

"But as long as you guys stay in your room, nothing happens right?" Hiroto spoke up.

"That's the thing that was bothering us," Kimiro looked back up, a look of concern upon her features. "There was no such rules before. It used to just be a time where the leaders were occupied with something, that's all,"

"What do they do during the blood sacrifice ritual?" Kidou said with crossed his arms. Being the genius he was, he knew the right questions to ask. But unfortunately...

"We don't know." Sayuka shook her head. "No one was ever allowed to talk about it. It's basically taboo here. I think there was a case a few years back where one of the leaders had explained the whole procedure of the ritual to his comrade. The other day, both he and his friend was never seen again. Some say they were executed while others said they were sent to the torture chambers,"

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