A Death Match Strikes!

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Two figures were seen at the bottom of the arena. It was Fubuki and a vampire with purple hair and purple orbs. Fubuki was holding a spear and there was a gem seen on the leader armband.

Meanwhile the girl which is known as Villone was holding a dagger with a gem stuck to her clothes. "Start the match already!!" the audience shouted. "Death match. No time limit. Start," the speaker said and Villone charged at Fubuki at a terrifying speed with a dagger in hand.

Villone stabbed Fubuki. But Fubuki disappeared before the dagger had even got close to him. Villone around and found Fubuki standing casually a distance from her.

Endou and the others were shocked to see the speed of Fubuki. Bear in mind that whatever they say can be heard by the audience loud and clear. "So. Do you want a quick death or a slow death?" Fubuki asked. The audience roared.

"I think you got the wrong idea. The one who is going to die is not me but you," Villone said and disappeared. She then reappeared right behind Fubuki holding her dagger up ready to finish him.

Suddenly, Fubuki put his arm behind his back back, palm facing Villone. A giant ice spear shot out of his palm. It stabbed into Villone's shoulder. "I guess I should give you a slow-then-quick-but-cruel death. I feel slightly sympathetic today," Fubuki said.

Villone fell to the floor far away from Fubuki. The crowd cheered again. Endou and the others gaped in horror. Villone pulled the ice spear out from her shoulder wincing in pain.

Blood poured from her shoulders. "You are going to pay twice the price," Villone said standing up. She gripped tight on her dagger. Fubuki stood there as if nothing had happened. Villone charged towards Fubuki. She was about to thrust the dagger to Fubuki's head which Fubuki raised his hands to block.

But Villone's dagger change course and aimed for his stomach. Fubuki saw this coming and jumped up and used his spear to stab Villone in the leg making her drop her dagger and kneel down in pain.

Villone pulled out the dagger. "I will kill you!!" Villone exclaimed in anger attempting to stand up. She succeeded in doing so despite the pain. Fubuki ran towards Villone in a terrifying speed and stabbed her all over with his spear.

A rich crimson dye was splattered on the ground, staining it with its vivid colors. "I guess I am almost satisfied now," Fubuki said cutting across the stomach of the hopeless Villone which was on the ground with his spear. "You.... Mon..ster.." Villone managed to choke out before spitting out blood.

Fubuki pondered for a moment. "Said the monster," Fubuki said in an amused tone. Fubuki readied his spear. "Time to end this," Fubuki said and ruthlessly thrusted the spear into Villone's brain. He was not done. He used his ice magic.

The ice froze the spear. It then bursted out when the it was in Villone's body, making blood squirt out everywhere as the spikes of ice burst out of her body. Impaling her from the inside to the outside. The spikes office were stained with a crimson red dye.

Villone is dead. "Winner of the match: Fubuki Shirou of the human race!" the speaker announced after a man went down to see if Villone is really dead. Fubuki then walked to a door and entered it. The audience cheered.

The first match ended. "The next match will be between Alicia Goldro of the devils and Eronda Clawbites of the werewolf tribe. It is another death match," the speaker said.

Everyone had 15 minutes to rest until the next match begins. The said people went to get ready for the next match. Villone's corpse were taken out to who-knows-where and Fubuki went to his seat with his teammates.

"F-Fubuki. I can't believe it. Y-You just killed someone!!" Endou exclaimed. "So?" Fubuki asked raising an eyebrow. "Don't you feel bad?" Ichinose asked. "If I don't kill her, the match won't end. Plus, I don't want to be the one dying," Fubuki said.

"We know but... We just can't believe you would really do it! Especially someone like you! And..... You did it so cruelly!" Haruna exclaimed. "Well, I did say slow-then-quick-but-cruel death," Fubuki said shrugging. "So, Ice Boy. They must be new right? I didn't see them before and they seem so terrified seeing someone killed," a voice said from behind them.

Everyone of the human representatives turned to the voice. They see the captain of the serial killers smirking at them. "Yeah. That's right," Fubuki said.

"It would be fun crushing them. We could torture them by pulling out their nails before cutting out their fingers one by one and then breaking their wrist and pulling out their arm," the captain of the serial killers said. The newbies of the human representatives stared at him with fear in their eyes.

"Shut up, Razor," Kimiro said. Razor is a boy with brown-blackish spiky hair with matching orbs. "Ah! Kimiro! Nice to see you too!" Razor said. Kimiro just rolled her eyes. "Then there's Sayuka," Razor said scanning through the group. "'Then'? Am I forgotten?" Sayuka asked.

"Minna (Everyone), ignore him. He's just talking trash," Fubuki said. "Oh, you better watch your mouth, Ice Boy," Razor said narrowing his eyes at Fubuki. "Why do you people keep calling me by that name?" Fubuki asked and shook his head.

"Cause that's your name, Ice Boy," Kimiro said teasing Fubuki. "Oh well..... I'll let it slide this time," Fubuki said. The next match started. The winner was Alicia Goldro. Alicia finished the werewolf, Eronda with her flaming sword. It took quite some time as Alicia kept trying to give Eronda chances to stand up after each blow.

"Alright, that will be the end of today's matches. We will continue tomorrow. All races may go to their respective rooms. Participants will be sharing a big room with their own races. The keys will be given to the leaders. All leaders please gather at the bottom of the arena now," the announcement said. Then, a man was seen at the bottom of the arena.

"I guess I'll be seeing you guys later," Fubuki said and walked downstairs, towards the bottom of the arena. The others then just look at each other and shrugged. They could only wait for their leader to come back with their room keys.

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