chapter two

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Third P.O.V

Team RWBY showed up at the wrong time, only seeing (Y/N) carrying a girl he knock out cold, he put her down so he can tell his side of the story

(Y/N): look it's not what it looks like, she attack me first so.. it's only self defense right?

yang had and smug grin, and step forward and started to say "Like we'll believe you, just look at you. You are carrying a girl who is out cold, and the streets look terrible an the building too" as yang was talking, (Y/N) was slowly walking away until ruby notice him, readying her weapon

Ruby: stop! If you run away, you're only going to make it worse

(Y/N) stop moving and just breathing in an out in disappoint. He got in a fighting stand "you know what.. Bring it on" ruby team pulled out there weapons an took their fighting stand. Ruby giving one more warning

Ruby: just come with us peacefully, and no one has to get hurt

(Y/N): look you guys are making it hard, I just don't care at this point

(Y/N) P.O.V

Blondie: oh I'm going to enjoy kicking you're ass "the Blondie was the first one to attack" can you keep up with me!

She threw five fast hits, which i dodge easily like nothing, but that didn't last long, the white hair girl join in. I kept on dodging for a bit until the Blondie kick me, i went flying back a few feet, and hitting the wall. Ok that hurts a lot damm she can kick. The Blondie started to laugh at me

Blondie: look at you! Can't even land a hit on a few girls

(Y/N): wow that ego! The only reason why you got a hit in, was because it was two vs one!.. but you know what, I'm still going to win "i ran straight to her, making her think i was going for a punch, but instead i headbutted" take this!

After that headbutt, she fell straight to the ground. I was a little dizzy 'no one wins with a headbutt' i don't notice the white hair girl thrusting her sword at me. It was to late to dodge her attack, and her blade went straight through my right shoulder, i yell in pain. She let go of her sword, and i pulled it out of my shoulder

White hair: why didn't you move!?

I was about to answer her, but the Blondie rushes to me with a mighty punch. I pulled up my left arm to block her punch, but once she hit me, my left arm was completely broken. I went flying again and landed in the middle of the street


The so called leader ran at her "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YANG!? HE'S ALREADY WOUNDED!" So i guess she called yang huh? The rest of her team gether up and started to argue. As i was trying to get back up, i notice the dealer was waking up. She got up and notice the other girls

???: w-what the? Huntsman? NO! "Team RWBY looks at her" dammit! First him now you guys!? "She pulls out another needle" round two..

Team RWBY was confused and worried, i on the other hand new what was going on. She started to scream and lighting was sparking off her, i yell at them "GET OUT OF HERE NOW! YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH HER!" but they didn't listen to me, instead they ran in front of me, taking a fighting stand. The leader tells me

???: we can't just leave you! We are huntresses, so we are going to defeat her and save you

(Y/N): I'm like this because of you idiots! This wouldn't have happen, if you Huntsman stop trying to act all heroic and cool!

As i was arguing with them, the dealer was watch us fighting with each. She had enough of us and shot out a blot of electricity at me, i scream out in pain 'why me!? I'm already down!' Team RWBY took defence stands

???: looks like i got you're attention now! "She walks slowly to us" who's first to get an ass whooping

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