chapter one

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(Dream P.O.V)

(Y/N): YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS! Don't you see!? This adam is controlling you, and how we are making it.. the innocent lives we took, please my fri-

???: SHUT UP! we both know what the cost was, so don't you dare try to turn this on me! "My once so called friend, yells at me, he was filled with anger" YOU WANTED POWER! YOU WANTED TO GO AND BECOME ONE OF THEM!.. all i did was because of you, so those so called 'innocent lives' there blood is on you're hands too!

(Dream ends)

(Y/N) P.O.V

Dammit, that stupid dream again, i know its my fault, but here you are still making this adam, and i'm the one who's going to stop you.

I was on bus heading to my next clue, apparently junkies got they're hands on a new drug call "Adam" all i gotta do is get there before the cops or Huntsman, who am i kidding, Huntsman don't give a damm about this, all they care about is fame or popularity, can't believe i wanted to become one.

Looks like my stop is ahead, as i said that, the bus stops and i get up, and got off. Ones i did that i pulled out my scroll and call Cathy

Cathy: yes?

(Y/N): Cathy I'm here now, where do i go? Because i didn't know this part of the city

Cathy: ok just give me a minute.. ok theirs should be an old run down building complex, once there you'll have to find away in, once inside you should find them

(Y/N): thanks Cathy, I'll call when I'm done, talk to you later

After talking with Cathy i get a move on, because who knows, probably the junkies are using it, and if so i gotta stop them

Ten minutes later

After walking here and finding away in, i notice three things. Number one, the building filled with them, looks like they are having a party. Number two, four of his dealers are here. And number three, all the junkies are using it.

One of the dealers noticed me and call out, to the others "HE'S HERE! RUN" i give chase to the closest one, and as i was chasing her, all the junkies started to giggling, five caught on fire, six scream because of the pain. Dammit! The adam is taking it's effects on them.. i can't help them now!

I chase her out of the building, and in an alleyway, which leads to a dead end. She turned around and looks at me with a panic look.

(Y/N): nowhere to run, all i want is you to answer some questions

???: LIKE I'LL TALK! The boss told us about you! "She pulls out a needle" one injection and boom! You can't stop me! Because you are nothing more then a useless weakling!

(Y/N): that's not going to stop me. Either talk, or get ready for a beating!

She stuck the needle in her neck. Faw seconds later she started screaming, wasp started to crawl out of her skin, and all over her body

(Y/N): dammit! Why wasp "i ran back to the streets yelling "GET OUT OF HERE!" No one listen at first, but people started to scream and run, noticing her and the wasp too.

???: what's wrong!? Running away because i have power now "she summoning her wasp to attack me" that's right you weakling! This is what you get, for trying to start a fight!

I kept on running and dodging her attacks, trying to figure out how to beat her. I started to notice her attacks, she can only summon one swarm of wasp one of a time, after that she's defenseless.


After summoning her swarm of wasp, i ran straight to her, she started to panic and summon another one, but it didn't work


(Y/N): what's wrong! Can't summon you're wasp? "I got close to her and ready a right hook to her face" what happened to all that talk!

And BOOM! She went flying back, i walk to her slowly and notice i knock her out cold

(Y/N): not bad for a weakling now huh! "I pick her up" looks like i have to take you back to the hideout

I was about to walk away until, i was called out "STOP RIGHT THERE BAD GUY!" Oh no.. Huntsman, i turned around to look at them


The powerful weakling (M/Reader/R.W.B.Y) Where stories live. Discover now