To Cali?

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hello everybody! its been a while i'm very sorry, don't worry though i'm back.

Kaden's p.o.v

Im sitting on the couch when i suddenly get a text from Raven. she,, wants me to come back? Oh no shes mad- I ask her if i could stay for a little bit longer but shes pissed. I look up from my phone and see the wall, i don't wanna go. I sigh, i guess i don't really have much of a choice.

ill have to get a plane back to California.

I get to Albert's room, I knock and a couple seconds later he calls.

"Come in!"

I open the door and hey waves at me and smiles,, I guess he noticed how sad i look because he tilted his head and motioned for me to sit down.

"whats wrong dude?" He gives me a concerned look.

"uhh,, Raven wants me to go back, shes really mad" My voice cracked as I told him the news

He looks at me sadly, then he walks over to me and gives me a really nice hug.

"I don't want you to go" He whispers while hes hugging me.

"I really don't wanna leave either but I have to listen to Raven" I sigh and sit down, Albert sits down next to me.

"hey i'll drive you there, okay?

I nod to him. Then we get ready to head out.

Albert's p.o.v

I'm sitting at the table with anxiety, It's been a while since i'v lived alone, at least i'v got my gerbil. Kirsten doesn't even come here anymore and she took Rocky with her, so maybe i'll buy a dog in like three months.

Suddenly Kaden comes out of his room with his stuff packed, I sigh and get up, we head into the car and i help him put his stuff away.

Were driving and talking about the next time we'll visit eachother, then I come up with an idea, what if i go to California.

"hey kaden, what if I come over there?"

"Oh my gosh that would be amazing! but where would you stay? Raven doesn't like you so she probably wont want you in our house-"

"I'll get a hotel" I smiled

"Good idea! Dang you are so smart"

I blushed a little at his compliment.

"Alright were nearly there, let's get our tickets"

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