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Albert's p.o.v

Well. Up till now I've just been sitting as still as possible on the couch, Kaden ended up falling asleep next to me as we were watching Attack on Titan. I think he likes it? Im not sure I didn't ask, and now he's asleep, I don't wanna wake him up and its 4:30 AM. How do I sleep without moving and waking him up? Do I go the whole night without sleeping? I sigh, I'm lost.
Nope I'm too tired, guess I'll just sleep like this, my neck is definitely gonna be sore in the morning but thats fine, alright, goodnight critters.

Morning, well actually afternoon-

I wake up and I feel cold, my body hurts and everything is sideways,, my head is sideways. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair, did I sleep on Kaden's shoulder? Oh crap, he woke up before me, oh goddd. I rub my eyes and I looks around, nobody's here? Oh,, okay then, I just hope he doesn't bring it up when he get back from wherever he is..

It's been two hours and he's not back, I wonder what he's doing, I better text him,, I'm a little worried.

Me: hey Kaden where r u

Kaden: morning! Haha I'm just out for a walk, i gotta blow off steam

Me: blow off steam?

Kaden: Raven called and we had a disagreement, anyways im coming back, im alright! 👍

Me: hey, were gonna have a bro day when you get bacm i dont want you to be sad

Me: back*

Kaden: oh, okay, we dont gotta though

Me: were gonna

Kaden: alright, ill be right over

I shook my head, It makes me sad when Kaden is sad, I'm totally gonna make it so he has the best time ever.

Kaden's p.o.v

When I got back home I was surprised.
Albert had gone and made it look really nice in here, theres food on the table, like good movie food, and theres pillows and blankets and the couch, and he's on the couch too! Sleeping? Well out of everything he makes me the most happiest, I was just glad to come back and talk to him, but all of this? Wow, he is so awesome, I'm so glad to have him as a friend, maybe one day more then a friend, oh who am I kidding, he probably doesn't like me romantically, thats fine thought, I feel lucky to just be able to talk to him, he makes me happy.
I go over and sit beside him, but not too close to wake him up, but he wakes up anyways.
"Kaden? Oh! Your back!"
He pulls me into a hug which makes me smile.
"Yeah! I just got back! It looks awesome in here" I chuckled.
"Oh why thank you m'lady"
"Of course my prince"
We both started giggling, funny conversations like this always make me happy, Raven would just be weirded out.
"Um so, you wanna watch a movie?" He asked me before handing me the remote.
"Yeah of course!" I smile at him then I put on a movie, I made sure he actually wanted to watch it though.

He guys, sorry I haven't made a chapter in a bit, I still love this story Im just thinking of ideas and plot.
Also sorry for always updating this at like 3:00 AM

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