Titles are stressful

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Albert's p.o.v

I wake up with a side pain again. I lift my head up to notice I was sleeping on Kaden once again. I blush but i'm far too tired to get up now so I rest my head back on his shoulder

damn he smelled good??
I self consciously hug him, I didn't notice as I was already falling back asleep. Unfortunately that small movement was enough to stir Kaden

damn it

I pretended to be asleep as any other sane person would do. At this moment I can't deny I love Kaden, but who knows what he thinks about me at this time, I guess i'll see eventually.

Kaden inhaled as he wakes up, he turns to me and notices me sleeping still, well pretending to sleep but he doesn't know that.
"oh,," Kaden whispered before smiling, he slightly touched my hair before sighing and pulling his hand away, I felt a little sad after that but i'm glad he stayed on the couch. I couldn't get up now, it would be far too awkward.

Kaden lets his head fall back before pulling the blanket up a little closer.

Kaden's p.o.v

Wow, Albert looks so peaceful when he's sleeping, I bring the blanket up a little closer hoping it would help. Im at a loss for what to do now, I can't move, it'll wake him up. I guess i'll go back to sleep.

I close my eyes and prepare to drift off, but before that happens my head falls to the side so it's resting on Alberts head, ah crap-
I tense up but it didn't seem to wake him, I stay in that spot because it's comfortable, I love nights like this, this has happened once before but i'm sure Albert had a dream or something that was bugging him, he looked much better now though.

I sigh and close my eyes once more, I fall asleep easily, with the aroma of mint Head and Shoulders shampoo.

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