Chapter 12

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Rita felt calm and at peace, she was floating in a black void, it felt like she had been here years, but at the same time, less than a day. She never grew bored of her surroundings, she just sat there, floating in the eternal abyss. Then, there was a light, a floating ball of light hovering right before her. She reached out to touch it, it burnt at first so she pulled away but the glow stuck to her skin. It spread, travelling up her arm and engulfing her entire body in light, there was a strange sensation and then cold. There was light, but it wasn't harsh, it was faint. There was a cold table beneath her, the air was cold; Rita could hear beeping machines. There was the sound of a door opening and then closing, followed by loud footsteps. Rita could pinpoint the location that they were coming from, she could hear it, she turned her hear groggily in that direction. She opened her eyes, it was bright, and white, an unnatural white, artificial white, it didn't seem real, or normal. She turned her head to see the scientist, she tried to sit up but remembered that she was strapped down. She struggled against the straps and grew panicked with every passing second. As her heart sped up a machine made faster beeping sounds. Why was she strapped down, she should be able to move around. The scientist tried to calm Rita down.

"It's alright kid, you're safe, calm down, deep breaths."

Rita looked at him like he was crazy, how could she be calm when she couldn't move? Gosh this was terrifying.

"But. I. Can't. Move." Rita said in a panicked voice.

The man bent down and unstrapped her, Rita got off the table as quickly as she could; the table felt too flat, it felt weird. Rita rubbed her sore arms, she noticed something different, it felt normal, but different. There was something on her back, it was weighing her down; her hand flew to where her shoulder blades were to feel two lumps.

"What're these?" She asked, panicking again.

"Give me a minute." He muttered, removing the wires and bandages from her body.

The second the last wire was gone Rita began to pace, not because she was nervous, but because she had to be moving, she just had lots of energy all of the sudden. The scientist watched her with amusement.

"The things on your back?" He asked.

Rita stopped pacing for a moment, looked at him, nodded, and continued to walk. Every time she changed directions and she had to turn around the extra weight threw her off.


Rita stopped and looked at him.

Wings, I have wings, great. Well at least I can fly! Fly and be free!

And as if the scientist read her mind, he said.

"You're not allowed to fly, it might be a distraction to other students."

"Oh. That's not fair though!"

"Life ain't fair kid."

"Well, um, you can't- fine, I won't fly."

"Good, now for the other stuff I need to tell you." He pulled a piece of paper and in a thoroughly bored voice he read what was written on it.

"Congratulations Rita Young, you are now part of historty! The DNA we injected you with is not from a specific bird, it is from a combination of all the avian creatures in the world. This combination will make you virtually unstoppable in combat due to the fact that one bird's weakness may be another's strength. There are certain upsides and downsides to the bird DNA, for example, you are no longer human and will be viewed as a 'freak' in public. The upsides, most you're senses are better and you are now a one in a million."

The man sighed and put away the paper.

"You can go back to your room, you have the rest of the day off to... adjust."

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