Chap.7 Concerning Friendships, odd suspicions!

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"Why aren't they here? Where did the SOULS go?"


Horror was terribly hungry, practically starving.

It had been two nights and he hadn't found any food yet, he knew he would come across some soon, but he didn't know when that 'soon' would be. Being a cannibal was hard and he had to admit, he didn't like it all that much. He didn't have a choice though, having starved for so long that it just drove him over the edge, and he had to also admit that being a cannibal in a survival game did have it's perks, like getting to eat alot without being sent to an asylum for it.

But not having any food for two nights straight was really taking it's toll. He walked through a forest, tall, skinny trees barely blocking out the holographic sun that beat down harshly from above. He raised a hand over his sockets, the sun rays becoming awfully annoying as he grumbled to himself. Footsteps padding on the bare ground. Where was everyone? There were definently more than one-hundred participants, it shouldn't be this hard to find anyone!

His non-existant stomach growled, Horror gripped his gut as he groaned to himself. He was starving, he needed food desperately. It would be pathetic to just die from starvation in a survival game. Beads of sweat ran down the side of his skull from the blazing heat, him wipping lazily at it as he continued walking, axe strapped to his back.

That axe was quite special to him, having it around kept him safe throughout his life and he used it to gain his food so it's pretty important to him. He gripped the hole in his skull, eyesockets drooping in disappointment. He was about to give up looking, to accept that this was how he would die, by pathetic starvation. That was until something caught his eye.

Or better yet, someone.

He couldn't exactly see what they looked like from his distance, but the mere sillohuette of a person sent him off. he charged, grabbing his axe as his footsteps echoed through the bare forest, alerting the other of his presence. He rose his axe, swinging it down as the other wipped out a pair of daggers and raised them up quickly, blocking his attack.

Horror growled in frustration, just let him eat already! He backed away, aiming to go for another swing before being blocked yet again by the person's daggers, much to his disappointment. He kept swinging, left, right, straight down, up and yet the person dodged and blocked every swing. "Calm down, man!" They exclaimed, Horror snarled in response, ready to take yet another swing when....

He stopped.

It felt like his brain had just completely shut off, turning off all together. He stood there, axe over his head and ready to swing downwards, yet he remained still, eyelight nolonger visible. The other stared in confusion, why wasn't he taking the swing? They slowly dropped their daggers to their sides, walking around Horror who still stood there motionless, confusion was all they could feel.

This is how it was for a solid ten minutes, the other would snap their fingers, clap infront of his face, even shouting at him to snap out of it, and yet he still remained still, like a statue.

Suddenly, his eyelight reappeared, startling the other as he slowly, almost uncertainly, let his hands drop to his sides, axe still in hand as he tilted his head to the side in pure confusion. "What was I doing?"

Had he have another shut down moment? D*mn his skull! He'd always have these random times where his brain would just shut down all together, and he'd forget what he was doing, like now.

" were trying to kill me?" The other said in a questioning manner, also tilting his head to the side. Now that Horror took the chance to look closer, he could tell they were a monster like him.

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