Chap.5 Let The Game Begin!

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Who knew the arena was underground.

Nightmare was not expecting this. Despite his nerves still going haywire from...that, and completely avoiding Cross, he was rather surprised by this fact. It did make sense, however, where else would they have The Harvest? He was pretty sure that the entire arena was almost the exact length of the capital.

Currently, Nightmare stood in an elevator, they would be lowered into the arena from the top, then would wait for the elevator door to open, which would signal the beginning of the game. He shuffled his feet nervously, the sinking feeling of dread creeping into his nerves.

He couldn't believe it was finally time, finally time to start the bloodshed, to start the game, and to start the murders.

If Nightmare was being honest, he was honestly scared.

Yeah, sure he could feel and feed off the other participants negativity, giving him an advantage, but he had no experience in actually killing someone. He can fight, but he had never killed in his life. He was actually nervous about his first kill, or would someone kill him even before that?

The sudden jerk of the elevator snapped him out of his thoughts with a yelp. He could feel the elevator begin to move, Nightmare instinctively gripping the pistol on his waist.

He was claded in blacks and dark greys, wearing a bullet-proof tight turtleneck, tight jeans with multiple pockets as well as a belt that held different pistols. He wore combat boots, it was easier to run in those.

He took the time he had left to steel his nerves. His gun was already loaded, he also had a sword strapped to his back, and daggers on his belt, incase he needed to result to close-combat.

And for a split moment, he wondered if this was really what he wanted.

Sooner than he had hoped, the elevator had reached the floor, as did the other 499 elevators. They reminded him of capsules, cylindrical tubes to contain stuff, depending on how big it was.

Nightmare was slightly startled when the elevator door began to slide up, opening. He started to panic slightly. This was really happening, he was really about to participate in a survival game, oh god, what was his first move? Where would he go?! How would he find dream! What if-

That's when a scream rang out, a loud ring following soon after.

Someone already died!? The game didn't even properly start yet!

The door was almost completely open. Nightmare sliding out and immediately getting a brown sack to the face. Huh? He looked down at the sack in his hands for a split second, before making a dash behind his elevator capsule, gunshots ringing out as he ran into the treeline. His tenacles twitched nervously, he was frantic, he need to get away, and fast.

A few more ringing sounds were heard, even more people died.

Nightmare didn't dare look back, he wasn't ready to see such bloodshed so early. He quickly slung the brown sack over his shoulder, using two of his four tenacles to propel himself through the trees, each tendril latching onto a branch at a time as he went.

A gunshot was heard, there was a scream that came from close behind him. Nightmare peaked back, before whipping back around, gagging. So much blood, so many dead bodies, it was the first day, and the middle of the night, but his night vision made it as clear as day.

There was blood everywhere, people's bodies being torn apart, mutilated, shot down and more. blood was spread around the ground, dust flying in the air. This was truly, the real meaning of bloodshed.



Nightmare whipped his head to the right, seeing his brother approaching from the ground, his bow and arrows at the ready. He wore the same as Nightmare, also being claded in dark colours. Oh, thank god Dream wasn't the first to die. "Get your gun out, now!" Nightmare was quick to oblige, whipping out the weapon and holding it steadily in his trembling hands.

The Harvest (A multiship,Crossmare Sanscest Story)ADOPTED BY NIGHTMARESHADE_SODAWhere stories live. Discover now