Chap.6 Day one!

270 16 19

Disturbing scenes warning! If weak stomached and have a realistic imagination, skipping is advised!!!

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Nightmare peered into the brown sack, Dream following suite.

He didn't see who had thrown the bag at him, but he was greatful that they did, he was not willing to run into a bloodbath just to get a mere sack of items. The first night was definently a scare for the twins, forcing them to stay up all night incase of any people spotting them in their sleep and murdering the two. Though, that led to them barely being able to stay awake, having avoided many close calls of almost getting seen and killed.

Nightmare reached a hand into the brown bag, pulling out a long rope first. "Okay, a rope can be useful, right?" He asked Dream, who nodded with a yawn, forcing Nightmare to yawn aswell. He next pulled out a smaller sack, inside it had apples, bread and three waterbottles. "Oh hey, guess we aren't starving for a while." Dream said unenthusiastically.

Nightmare had pulled out a variety of other things, such as two sleeping bags, a few daggers, an axe and a gun but with no ammo. "Great, a gun with no ammo. What use is this?" Nightmare grumbled, sitting back on the grassy ground as he inspected the small unusable weapon. It seemed to be a fast shooting pistol. "Maybe you can chuck it at someone, knock 'em unconsious?" Dream suggested.

"I mean, I guess you could." Nightmare responded, looking around as his tenacles flicked and wriggled with caution, sharpening and unsharpening themselves as a way of defense. Dream let out a sigh as they put back all the items in the brown sack, Nightmare slinging it over his shoulder and standing up alongside Dream. "We should get going now, Night. Who knows what could happen at a time like this." Dream said as he began to walk, Nightmare staying right by his side as he didn't want to lag behind, that would be a foolish idea.

They walked through the dense forest cautiously, the crunching of leaves underneath their feet as they hopped over fallen trees and logs, walking passed ledges and avoiding many still standing trees.

The twins were very cautious with every little sound, jumping at the slightest rustle of leaves and such. They kept walking for around thirty minutes, before they began to hear voices, making them duck for the trees as to not get seen.

"Why do you want me to be bait, huh? Did I do something wrong?" The voice was deep, showing slight aggression.


"....F**king fine, Boss."

Nightmare peaked around the tree he hid behind, seeing two sillohuettes in the distance, but not to far away to not be described properly. There was a short one, and a tall one, they were both skeletons, one was claded in nothing but black and red whilst the other had more camo-like designs.

The taller one in black and red seemed to be related to the other one as far as Nightmare could tell, having chest-armour and black jeans with red heeled-boots, along with red gloves and a red scarf. Nightmare wasn't even sure if the supposed 'chest-armour' was even made out of the right material, it looked like fabric and leather instead of fabric and metal, like what the other was wearing even if it was very hard to notice.

The shorter one had on a tight-fitting shirt, as well as tight pants and combat boots with fingerless gloves and... a dog collar? Why did he have on a dog collar? He had a jacket with a very fluffy hood, probably to hide the collar somewhat. They had cracks lining multiple parts of their bones, red flaring pin pricks in his sockets.

Despite knowing little to nothing about them, he atleast knew their names. The smaller one was Red Felldings and the taller was Edge Felldings, they were brothers as well.

The Harvest (A multiship,Crossmare Sanscest Story)ADOPTED BY NIGHTMARESHADE_SODAWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt