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You woke up to no Joshua in bed. With your eyes still fixing to the surrounding, you saw him sitting on the couch reading a book.

You got out of bed and walked to him. When he saw you coming to him, he opened his arms and you sit on top of his lap.

He pushed your head lightly to make your head rest on his shoulders.

"Are you still tired?" He asks you while reading.

"A little," you said slowly and your eyes are getting droopy again.

Yesterday you and Joshua went for sightseeing around New Zealand the whole day. It was a really lot of walking but the view makes it worth it.

"We can go out late if you want," he looks at you to have your answer.

"It's okay, let's just do what you planned," you smiled to him with your eyes closed.

"You're too tired, go sleep on the bed, I'll wake you up in an hour," he taps on your shoulder to wake you up.

"What about you?" You mumbled.

"I'm fine, it's cold and you're still in your nightdress, you should go under the covers," he's right, it's pretty cold and you're still wearing the short satin nightdress from last night.

Joshua hugging you and his hands on your lap is the only thing that makes you warm.

"But you're not there," you pouted and look at him.

"You want me to sleep with you?" You nodded and he smiled.

"Okay," he closed his book and put it on the small table beside the couch before carrying you to the bed.

After laying you down, he climbed on the bed beside you and he pulled you close to him.

He strokes your hair to make you relax and make you fall asleep.


"Hmm?" He hummed into response and look at you.

"About you said to have another baby, are you serious?" He stopped stroking your hair and hovered you. Looking at you with a serious face.

"I wouldn't make a joke about something like that, I want us to have a family,"

You nodded and stayed silent for a while.

"Why are you suddenly talking about this?" He lifted your chin up and look into your eyes.

"Nothing umm-just you know," you didn't continue and he smiled.

"You're not ready?" He guessed and you sighed when he got it right.

"Yeah, don't get me wrong, I want to have a family with you but not having another baby this early?" He didn't say anything and you hold his hand.

"I'm sorry," you said when he didn't reply to you and he gave you one of his sweetest smiles and kissed your forehead.

"Don't be, it's okay, we'll try when you're ready, I won't force you," he said and cupped your cheeks.

"Thanks," you hugged him and he laid back down.

"You need to sleep now because you'll need a lot of energy for later,"

"What for?" You look at him and he smiled.

"You'll see,"


"Joshua no!" You whined.

"Come on," he pulled you but you squatted down in the middle of the parking lot so he can't drag you easily because if you stand up, he'll get you within seconds.

"NO NO NO, I WON'T GO THERE!" You whined more.

"Ayee you're no fun," he teased you.

"Fun? Shut up! I won't risk myself," you crossed your arms and scoffed.

He shook his head before squatting in front of you, leaning his face forward and the tip of your noses touched.

"But I'm here," his breath hitting your face.

"What's the difference?! We're still risking our lives," you moved your face away from him and he holds your hand.

"But we'll do it together," he kissed your left hand and then your right hand.

For a moment, he made you feel safe.


"Yes, I won't let you jump alone," he assures you.

"You're not lying?"

"Of course I'm not," he pecks your lips and you hugged him.

"Promise?" You held out your pinky finger and he intertwined it with his.



"Why did I agree with you to do this," you said almost crying when the staff started wearing you safety equipments.

You look down at the 134 meters bungee jump you're about to do and you can't help but tears started to form at your eyes.

"Babe, don't cry, I said we'll jump together didn't I?" Joshua wipes your tears with his fingers.

"I'm scared,"

"Hold me like this," he takes both of your hands and wraps it around his neck and he pulls your waist so your body is closer to him.

"You and your husband are really sweet," the staff said and you blushed.

"Sorry, we're not-,"

"Thanks,"  Joshua cuts your words and he signaled you to not tell the truth.

"Okay, you're both gonna jump on the count of three okay?" You both nodded and he started counting.


"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" The staff didn't finish the count and pushed you both off the platform making you scream.


He screams in excitement while you were hugging him tightly, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.

It was for a while went you didn't felt any air hitting your face.

"Baby, open your eyes, look around," Joshua caressed your cheeks.

"No," you hugged him tighter and closing your eyes shut.

"You'll regret it," he tempted you.

Slowly you opened your eyes and are welcomed with the most beautiful scenery of mountains.

"It's so beautiful," you smiled widely looking at it but still didn't let go of Joshua.

"Is it pretty?" Joshua asked you and you nodded before kissing him.

"I'm gonna kill that guy when we get back up there," you look up to the cable car from where you were pushed earlier.

Joshua chuckled.

"If he didn't push you, you won't jump," you scoffed before your eyes caught something.

"Look there's something,"

There were two drones flying near both of you and it was holding a piece of written long banner. Your eyes squinted trying to read the words.


[okay so the bungee jump in New Zealand can only be done in solo and the drones were kinda extravagant but wtv it's my imagination anyways. Vote and comment!!]

Corruption// Joshua [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now