"So shower time," Jai's lips attacked her own as his hands landed on her ample breasts, one of his favorite spots.

"Ow!" Ariana managed to push him off of her this time. "That hurt!"

"What hurt?" Jai asked confused.

"You squeezed my breasts way too hard," Ariana pulled her tank top back down and angrily climbed out of bed.

"Are you kidding?" Jai questioned, he was still quite confused. "Come back baby! I barely even touched you."

"Yes you did Jai! That really hurt," she began making her way into their master bathroom. As soon as she was inside, she slammed the door shut.

"Hey!" Her boyfriend called out to her. "What about our shower time?"

"You'll be taking a shower all by your lonesome," Ariana stuck her head outside of the bathroom door. "And from the looks of things, I gather that it will be a cold one!" She yelled before slamming the door shut once again only this time she locked it as well.

Jai groaned before flopping back down on the bed in frustration. Women! He reached for his pillow and snuggled back under the warm comforter. If he wasn't about to get any loving, then the next best thing would be to go back to sleep. He didn't have to take Brandon to school as early as his girlfriend had to go to her own class and he was so going to take advantage of that fact.

Luke stared at his brother as he finished his story and took a sip of water, as they were now standing by the snacks table.

Jai looked at him and frowned. "What? What is that face?" He did not like where this was going.

"You need to talk to Ariana pronto man!"

"Why?" Jai asked confused as he began to sip his water once again.

"Because it seems to me like there's another baby Brooks baking in the oven!"



Ariana jumped at the knock on her bathroom door and quickly opened it with her hand behind her back, forcing a smile at her friend. "Yeah Miles?"

Miley raised an eyebrow at her strained smile. "Brandon's about to blow out his candles," she paused for a moment as she studied the smaller girl curiously. "What're you holding behind your back?"

"Oh, is he?" Ariana's smile quickly became genuine and she obviously avoided Miley's question. "Let's head down then!" She discreetly dropped the item in her hand into the trash, moving past the older girl to the bedroom door.

Miley watched her for a moment before quickly moving into the bathroom and grabbing the discarded mystery item from the trash.

Realizing Miley wasn't behind her, Ariana turned around only to see her go into her old bathroom. Her eyes widened as she figured out what Miley was doing and she shrieked, running in after her. "Miley!"

Miley stood straight and gasped at what she now knew was a pregnancy test. "Oh my-- Oof!" She grunted when Ariana pounced on her back and desperately reached for the stick.

"Miley, give me that!"

"Damn Ari! Get off me!" Miley cried, stumbling back into Ariana's old bedroom, holding the test away from Ariana, determined to see the result of it. "Yknow, this isn't good for the baby if you're pregnant!" She yelled over her shoulder, only to have Ariana's hand slap onto her mouth to shut her up.

"Shh!" Ariana cried, clinging onto Miley. Her legs were wrapped around her waist and her arm around her torso, trying very hard not to fall off her back. "I don't want Jai to hear you!"

Miley's eyes widened and she mumbled against her hand, which would sound like gibberish to most people, but Ariana understood her perfectly.

"No," she sighed, "I haven't told him yet."

Miley glanced behind her at her friend, mumbling something once again.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know I have to tell him. I will."

The taller brunette nodded and mumbled one last thing against the nineteen year olds hand.

Ariana blushed, "Oh, right. Sorry." She slid down Miley's back and grabbed her hand, attempting to take the test back.

Miley quickly stepped back and held the test up high, knowing the shorter girl wouldn't be able to reach it. "No way!" She kept Ariana at arms length, holding onto her shoulder, holding her away.

"Stay away," she paused as she examined the test and her eyes widened once again. "Oh my God,"

Ariana groaned and covered her face, stepping away from her. "I know. I have no idea what to do!"

Miley looked at her, feeling a sense of protectiveness over Ariana. "Ari," she began softly, "You have to tell Jai."

"Miley - I'm 19 and I already have a child. How am I supposed to handle two?" Ariana asked in exasperation, sitting on the bed and running a hand through her hair.

Miley sighed and sat next to her, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. "You'll figure that together. But right now, you have to go downstairs because Brandon is waiting for you."

Ariana closed her eyes and sighed. "Right. Brandon is the most important right now. Come on,"

Miley smiled and stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up as well. "Let's go." She paused and looked at the stick in her hand, grimacing in disgust. "Let me just.. Throw this away and wash my hands."

Ariana giggled as she watched Miley walk into the bathroom.


"...Happy birthday to you!"

Everyone watched Brandon blow out all six candles with big smiles - all for Ariana and Jai. They watched with just as genuine yet less enthusiastic smiles.

Joan quickly jumped in to cut her grandson a slice, yet he beat her to it and shoved his hand in, scooping his own out and giggling as he ate it, making his friends cheer and dig in the same way.

Ariana took a deep breath and turned to Jai, unable to hold it any longer, and whispering. "Jai, we need to talk."

Jai tore his gaze off his son to look at her, feeling protective just as Miley did earlier, as he looked at Ariana's big brown eyes. "Are you okay?" He whispered back, reaching up and cupping her cheek.

Shutting her eyes, Ariana took another deep breath and whispered, "I'm pregnant."


So there you have it! What We Keep Hidden is complete! I'm so sorry it took me so long, I've been really busy. I have a new story in the works and I'm going to start working on the sequel soon but I'm not sure what I'm going to call it.

I hope you liked the story!

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