Chapter 4

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Another night, another dollar. My apartment doesn't pay for itself. "Spitfire, you're wanted in the Champagne lounge." I sighed, and adjusted my mask. I made my way to the lounge and mentally prepared myself for a long night.

"Ahhh my beautiful girl," he held his hand out. I hesitantly took his hand, and he pulled me down onto him. I tried to think about someone other than this dirty sleaze ball. A familiar voice stood outside of the lounge. "Voglio quel minx Spitfire." My name rolled off of his tongue so smooth.

I faced the man I never thought I'd see again. He sneered at the man who I had been dancing for. "Leave. NOW!" He scurried up and ran out. I turned to face him. "Hey what the fuck is your problem! That was my highest paying dance!" I'm never going to be able to pay rent now. I sat down, and held my head in my hands. "What am I going to do now." I whispered more to myself than anything, tears streaming down my face. "Don't worry tesoro, what I have for you is far more worth you working in this bordello." I looked up at him. "What the fuck could you possibly know about what I'm going through!?"

He lifted my chin. "This is my city. I know everything." I snatched my face away from him, and stood. "You know nothing about me." I tried to walk away, but he pulled me back, slamming me against the wall. His eyes poured into me. He placed my hands above my head. His breath tickled my neck. He pressed himself against me. My breath got caught in my throat. "I know everything about you Arianna." My eyes widened. "H-How..."

He bit his lip and trailed his hand down the base of my neck. "I told you tesoro, I know everything about you," he pulled away from me. "Now, for that proposal," he backed away, and sat on the couch. I pushed myself away from the wall, and crossed my arms.

He picked up a glass of something brown, and downed it. "You become my wife." It felt as if a weight fell on me. "Wh-what?" He smirked.

"You, marry me. You will live a luxurious life. You will never want for anything. You will never let another bastardo touch you," he stood and came close to me again. "You will be mine." I shook my head. "Fuck you. I will never be yours." I tried walking away again, but he had other plans. He grabbed my waist and pulled my lower half into his. "That could be arranged Ms. Laughlin or should I say Miss Reznikov. Don't test me." He smiled darkly. "Besides, you have no choice in the matter."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He licked his full luscious lips. What the hell Aria!

"Let's put it like this," he looked up at me through his lashes. "I own you." My legs gave out underneath me.


I woke up with a mind seering headache. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. "What the fuck?" I looked around and noticed I was no longer in the club, and definitely not in my own bed. "You passed out in the club." I followed the voice, but was met with darkness. He came walking out of the dark. "Where the hell am I?" He sat a glass of water on the stand next to me. "How are you feeling? You hit your head." That would explain the headache. "Damn the head! Where am I?" He sighed folded his arms. "You're home." I shook my head, and frantically took the sheets off. "No, this isn't my home. My home is on Lexington!" I got out of the bed and tried to head for the door, but he had other plans. He slammed me back on the bed. "Do not try to run Arianna. It won't end well for you."

"You don't scare me! I've had far worse than you." He chuckles darkly. "Oh tesoro, you should be afraid of me," he towered over me. "For I am Luciano De Rossi, King of New York." My eyes widened. If there was someone more dangerous than Fabian Caratini, it's Luciano De Rossi.

"P-please don't hurt me." I cowered back into the bed. He stroked my cheek. "Come ha potuto una persona così bella rimanere intrappolata in questo casino." I closed my eyes, reveling in the moment. He pulled his hand away, making me open my eyes instantly. "Cazzo."  I don't know why, but I missed his touch.

"I know all about your affiliation with the Caratini cartel. There's a bounty on your head. He wants you dead." I started shaking uncontrollably. Ever since the beating I took from him, any time I get nervous, I shake very bad. "A-are you going to take me to him?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "What kind of Don would I be if I did that? I could give less of a shit what Caratini wants,"

He lifted my chin. "You however, I do want." This man screamed dominance. "I-I need to leave. I can't stay here while he's looking for me." I stood to leave, but he pulled me back again. "Which is why you need to accept my proposal. If you become my wife, you'll have nothing but protection from that feccia." I shook my head. "Why? Why me? You don't know me." He cupped my cheek. "Because I am selfish. When I see something I like, I go for it," he tilted my head back so I was staring completely into his eyes. "And you are what I like, Spitfire." I gulped. "This is not how I imagined my life to be. Running from a dangerous man, only to end up with an even more dangerous man." He pulled away from me. "I will not hurt you," he placed his hand at the base of my neck. "Unless you want me to." His phone broke us out of our trance.

"I have business to tend to. Mara will bring you some clothes to change into. We will continue this conversation later." He pulled away from me and headed towards the door.

"Over dinner. Be ready at 8." He walked out, leaving me alone. I looked over at the clock. I'm meant to be 2hrs into my shift not at some big shot mansion! A knock broke me out of my trance. "Miss, I've brought you some clothes. Best do as he says. The Don doesn't like to be kept waiting." She sat the clothes on the bed, and scurried out.

What the fuck am I mixed in with!

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