Chapter 15

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I couldn't get Aria's face out of my head. The look of horror and utter fear across her face at my outburst. I've never laid my hands on a woman before that was abusive in any way, and seeing how scared she was confirmed that she was indeed hurt at the hands of Caratini. "Find that scumbag 2nd in command of his. I've got a message for him hurting what's MINE." Alessandro nodded and walked away. I walked down to my office, and unlocked my safe. I grabbed my Eye of Drakonus. I eyed it carefully before placing it in the band on my pants. I balled my fists up trying to control my anger, failing miserably. I heard movement behind me and m y heart started beating faster. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"Did he touch you Aria?" I felt her small hands on my back and heard a sniffle. I turned around and reached my hand out, wiping her tears away. I tried to walk past her but she caught my arm. "Please don't tell anyone else. I don't want to feel more pity than I already do." I sighed. "You can't expect me to keep this from everyone especially when their future Queen is at risk." She looked down. "Boss, we've got him." Alessandro stood in front of the door awaiting command. "Arianna, go join Adielle or stay here. I'll come find you."  I pushed past her and walked out the door.

"Can I go?" Her small voice came out to me. I turned and faced her. "No. You've already been through enough." I turned my back to her and proceeded towards the basement. "What the fuck am I doing here!? You're going to regret fucking with Fabian even more!" I could hear his screams as I got closer.
I walked towards him, and snatched his face up. "He's all yours boss." He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. "Please, stop."

I looked him dead in the eye. "Is that what Arianna said when he touched her?" I whispered so only he could hear. His eyes widened in fear. I pulled out my knife. "You work for a heartless piece of shit who likes to take things that don't belong to him. Let's see how he likes it when it happens to him." I stabbed him in the neck. Blood gushed from his neck as he tried to gasp for air. "Rot in the deepest pit of hell you piece of shit."

Artemi's head hung low. I turned and faced my men. "We leave for Palermo tomorrow." I walked past then and up the stairs. I walked towards Arianna's room to check on her.

I kept her door cracked just in case she got scared. She looked so peaceful. I just can't believe that piece of shit touched her. I balled my fists up in anger and punched the wall. I was angry. Angry with myself for scaring her into having those memories, angry at Caratini for even laying a fucking finger on her, and angry that she had no one there for her.

Arianna woke up and looked at me. I looked at her, trying to control my anger. She got up slowly, and walked over to me. " do it...?" I nodded and looked everywhere but at her. "Luca.. please look at me." She placed her hand on my cheek, and turned my head towards her. "He deserved it." I touched her hand, forgetting that my hand was bloody. I snatched it away quickly. She placed my hand back on hers. "I really should be showering right now, I'm a mess." She pulled me in the room, and locked the door. "What're you-------." She pulled me in the bathroom, and closed the door.

She started taking my clothes off. "Whoa whoa, Aria, what're you doing?" She turned the shower water on. "Get in." She faced the sink, and grabbed soap and towels. I finished taking my clothes off and stepped in the shower. I didn't see Aria anywhere, so I'm guessing she left to give me some privacy. I let the water run down on me. How the fuck could this happen to someone as sweet as her? I placed my hands on the wall, and hung my head low. Arianna is too innocent for this kind of lifestyle. She didn't deserve to have this happen to her.

I felt hands on my back. I looked up quickly, and looked over my shoulder. Arianna was standing behind me, naked. "Aria, what're you doing?" She grabbed the soap and started washing my back. I turned around and grabbed her hands. "Stop." She looked up at me. Her breathing was ragged. My eyes flickered down to her body. She was perfect in every way possible. No one should have the audacity to put their hands on this perfect body. "Stop thinking about it...." I looked back up at her. "How can I not. Look what he did to you!" She flinched. I sighed and touched her cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It just makes me angry because I wasn't there. No one was there to help you."

"You're here now, that's all that matters. You killed him, that's all that matters. I'm alive, that's all that matters." I killed one, not the one that was behind it.
She stood on her tippy toes and pressed a kiss on my cheek. I grabbed her hands in mine. I cupped her cheek, and brought her lips to mine. I pulled her closer to me, and carefully held her. Her nails dug into my chest. I let out a soft groan as she started nipping at my neck.

"We shouldn't be doing this.." I pulled back and looked at her. Her wet hair was sticking to her face.
She looked so angelic. Oh, fuck it. I lifted her chin and pressed my lips against hers again. She pulled herself closer to me, and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled away and looked around. "I think we should get out of here. She nodded, and helped rinse the soap off. I got out first and grabbed a towel for her.

I still can't get over the fact that this happened to her. I led her back in her room and grabbed her a new set of pajamas. "Get dressed, and get back in bed." I kissed her forehead and proceeded to walk back to my room. "You're really going to walk out there naked?" I looked back at her. "It's nothing no one hasn't seen before." She just stood there and looked at me. I sighed and grabbed her towel and wrapped it around my waist.

"Happy?" She nodded, and got dressed. "Now sleep, today has been a long day." She walked slowly over to her bed, and laid down. "Goodnight Aria."

"Stay with me?" I stopped in my tracks. I turned and looked at her. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "I've never been more sure of anything." I looked down at the towel. Fuck. "Let me change and I'll be back."  She nodded, and got deeper under the covers. Curse the innocent woman that is Arianna Laughlin. I don't sleep with women, but I also don't sleep clothed and of course she has changed that within me. I walked in my room and grabbed pajama bottoms. "Sir will you be sleeping in your quarters tonight?" One of the maids I used to sleep with stood in the doorway biting her lip seductively. I threw my pants on and stood in front of her. "I'll be sleeping with my wife from now on." I pushed past her leaving her stunned. I walked back in Arianna's room and she was sound asleep.

I laid next to her, pulling her close. She snuggled into me more. I ran my fingers through her hair. She moaned softly pulling me closer. "That feels amazing." I chuckled. "I thought you were sleeping?" She looked up at me. "Almost. I find that I sleep better next to you now." She couldn't be more right. I kissed the top of her head. "We leave for Palermo tomorrow. Get you some rest tesoro." She let out a deep breath before succumbing to sleep again, me joining shortly after.

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