Chapter 6

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I signed my life away. I signed my life away to the devil for protection from the one man that has ever made me question living in this horrid world.

"What are you thinking gattina?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't answer him. What was I even thinking? How do I know this man won't kill me or hand me over to Caratini?

"Arianna, look at me." I looked up at him. "Everything will be okay. You are safe." But was I really? "Sir, dinner is served." I looked up and a chef stood there with 2 plates. "I've had a specialty order put in for you," the chef put down my plate.

"Makarony po-flotski." I smiled on the inside. There's no way he could have known this was my favorite dish. My mom always used to make it for me.

"Do you not like it?" I took a bite. "I love it. Thank you." He smiled a small smile and held up his glass. "To new beginnings." I raised my glass, and toasted with him. Maybe this won't be so bad.

I finished my dinner and felt full. "Now how about that tour?" I stood up and followed behind him. "This as you know is the dining area. Through here is the foyer, the kitchen, the living room. I have 6 maids that come here everyday and 3 cooks."

"What if I want to cook for myself?" He looked back at me. "Why would you want that when you have people to do it for you?" I crossed my arms. "Because I'm not used to people doing things for me like you are. I like to be independent." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. You can cook for yourself, sometimes." I smiled to myself. "The bedrooms are upstairs. There's 6 up there. Yours is the very first and mine is at the end of the hall."

I rolled my eyes. "So you're not even going to show me the rooms?" He turned and smirked at me. "I can definitely show you to a room and show you exactly what you've signed up for." I folded my arms over my chest. "I think not asshole." He chuckled and walked forward. "Everything in this house you will have access to," we stopped at a door. "All except this room." He turned and faced me. "This room is off limits." 

I was itching to ask what was in the room, but I kept it to myself. We walked into another room. He flipped the switch and I was met with a beautifully decorated room. "This is your room." I walked in fully and admired the room. I walked towards the window and had a beautiful view of the city. "I hope it is to your liking." This room was bigger than my room back at my apartment. I turned and faced him again. "It's perfect." He nodded his head. "I had Alessandro and a few of my men pack up your apartment. Your last rent was paid and your notice was put in at your job." He walked towards me. He placed his hand on my cheek. "Never again will you dance for a man for money." He stared deep into my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to look away from him. "Thank you.."

He pulled away, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Make yourself at home. If you need anything, you know where my room is." He walked out, leaving me to process my thoughts. I sat on the bed, and plopped back. Oh this bed is so comfortable. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a second. Next thing you know, I could feel myself falling into a deep slumber.



I stood in my office, downing yet another glass of whiskey. I never thought I'd break my own rules for a girl, no, a woman I don't know. I don't know how you got involved with Caratini, but mark my words carina, I will never let him near you again. I felt hands around my shoulders. I set my glass down, and turned around. "What're you doing here?" She had me trapped against the desk. "I had to come and see if the gossip was true. You brought a girl home," she looked up at me through her lashes. "And here I was thinking we still had something." I chuckled darkly. "I think you're delusional. See," I pushed her off of me. "You were just a distraction. Someone to help me take my mind off of things. I was desperate," I filled my glass back up and took a sip. "Kind of like you're being right now." She glared at me. "See the only reason you're even still here is because I owe it to Nikki to keep her friend employed, but with the snap of my finger, I can have you out on the streets." I downed the rest of my drink. "Don't test me Camilla, I won't hesitate to kill you. They don't call me King of Death for no reason." I walked out, leaving her seething. I walked down to Arianna's room, hoping she was still awake. I walked in and to my surprise she was asleep in her dress. Dammit, of all times I give Darlene the night off. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and go down to my room, grabbing one of my shirts. I go back to her room, and she still lay there peacefully. I carefully took her shoes off, tossing them aside. I stood back up, and looked at her. For fuck sake Luc it's not like you haven't seen a woman naked before! Just change her and leave her to sleep! I slowly unzipped her dress, and was careful not to wake her up, while I put my shirt on her. I tucked her under the covers, and just sat there. I caressed her cheek. "Sarai la chiave della mia caduta. Lo so e basta." She stirred in her sleep. I stood up, and shut her light off. "Buona notte tesoro mio." I closed her door, and made my way down to my room. How in the fuck am I going to go through with helping her with Caratini? I am in no way a nice guy, but when I saw her in that club, I decided to be fucking selfish. I wanted her. I want her. I want her to want me just as much, but the chances of that happening are very slim. I have never given any thought to how I would feel if I ever gotten married. Hell I never even thought about getting married. The only married people I knew were my parents, and that was enough for me to not want to get married. Fucking Arianna, why did I have to see you? Why do I want to protect you as much as I do when I don't know you? I can't see this as more than a business deal and after he's defeated, we can go our separate ways. Right?


Sarai la chiave della mia caduta. Lo so e basta: You will be the key to my downfall. I just know it.

Buona notte tesoro mio: Good night my treasure

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