Chapter 9

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I ignored him, and continued to pack. I felt his strong hands forcing me to stop moving. "Arianna, stop." I snatched away from him, and faced him. "I'll take my chances with Caratini finding me. I cannot stay here any longer." He sighed and stroked my cheek. "I don't want that. I want you here where I know you are safe." I shook my head. "It's only a business deal Luciano. Until I'm out of harms way, then you can go back to sleeping with everything that moves." I looked away from him. I don't know why me saying that hurt a lot. I know absolutely nothing about this man, but the thought of him being with another woman hurt.

"I don't want that either. Sure this may be a deal, but it doesn't mean we have to treat it like a deal. Have you ever seen something you've wanted so much, you would stop at nothing to get it? That is how I am with you. I want you. I am quite a selfish man." My heart was beating out of my chest like crazy. "Let me prove this to you Arianna. I am in this for much more than just your protection." I shook my head. "You're crazy." He smiled a small smile. "Well that may be, but I know what I want," he got down on one knee. "Rimani tesoro. Stay." Did I really have any other choice? "Okay..."

He smiled, and stood up. "But I have a few conditions," he nodded. "1, get rid of the bitch. If I see her again she will die and not metaphorically."

"Already taken care of tesoro. We shouldn't have a problem with her again." I sat on the bed. "2, we announce our engagement and start planning as soon as possible." He kneels down in between my legs, getting me hot and bothered. "And third?" I looked into his eyes. I didn't forget about me saying I won't sleep with him unless I beg him, but something tells me I'm going to lose that battle soon. "Teach me Italian." I stood up, and started putting my things back. I felt his hands on my waist. "You know tesoro, I can practically smell your arousal. One little word and I'll have you screaming my name." Two can play that game. I turn and face him. I trailed my fingernail down his chest towards the top of his pants. I could feel him bulging through his pants. "Det ser ut til at du vil være den som ber meg." I pushed him away and walked out of the room. I smirked to myself. Aria-1 Luciano- 0. I don't know where this newfound courage came from but I am loving it!

I walked down the stairs to Marlena and sat at the island. "Are you all better my dear?" I nodded my head. "Good, now let's get some food in you" I smiled a small smile. She reminded me of my mom. Very kind and loving. I missed my mom very much. "What's going on in that little head of yours?" Marlena looked up at me. "Your character.. You remind me of my mom." She smiled a little smile. " Although I've never had children, I've always been a motherly figure to most so I thank you for the compliment mi amour." She continued chopping up vegetables. I could get used to Marlena's caring motherly love, but I also have to remember sadly it's only temporary. "You're in that pretty little head of yours again. Don't worry about a C thing. I have a feeling Luciano will keep you around for a very long time." I raised an eyebrow, but decided not to pry. Maybe that's her old wise way of thinking he will change his ways. I have a feeling Marlena and I will get along just fine while I'm here.


NORWEGIAN: Det ser ut til at du vil være den som ber meg: Looks like you will be the one begging me

ITALIAN: Rimani tesoro: Stay treasure

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