The Wheel of The Year

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The wheel of the year

The cycle of the seasons is known as the Wheel of the Year. There are 8 major holidays called Sabbats, which are based on solar events and the mark the turning of the wheel. The eternal ebb and flow of human life - the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth - are reflected in the changing of the seasons.

The Wheel tells us the Wiccan year brings on the Sabbat of Yule.

Yule: December 21st
Christmas or Winter Solstice
Shortest day and longest night of the year. We watch the sun set and then stay awake all night burning the Yule log until the rebirth of the sun.

Imbolc: February 2
Brigid, Candlemas, or Oimelc
This is the midpoint between Yule and the Spring Equinox. This is the time of fire. We welcome early signs of spring and the return of light after the darkness of winter.

Ostara: March 22
Spring Equinox, Easter
Ostara is the named for the Goddess of spring. Day and night are of equal length. We celebrate the renewal of life, the endless cycle of rebirth, which is symbolized by the egg.

Beltane: May 1
Beltaine, May Day
This is the midpoint between the Soring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. We all dance around the Maypole and leap over the Beltane fire for fertility and creativity of all kinds, love of all kinds, and for healing.

Litha: June 21
Summer Solstice, Midsummer
The longest day and shortest of the year. After this night, the days begin to shorten. We call this death of the Sun-King. We watch the sun set and celebrate midsummer.

Lughnasahd: August 2
Midpoint between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Early harvest and first fruits of the season. We begin to prepare for winter.

Mabon: September 22
Thanksgiving, Fall Equinox
Major harvest. Day and night are in equal balance again. We remember to slow down, rest and enjoy all our blessings.

Samhain: October 31
Halloween, Hallowmas, All Souls Eve
Midpoint between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice. The major holiday we honor our ancestors, mourn those who have died, seek to contact spirits of the dead, and celebrate babies born this year. Also, some believe this is Witches' New Year.

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