'Thank you Becca'


"No no no." Jungkook laughed, a gallon of apple juice in his hands. "I am a very responisble drinker."

"I believe you." Rebecca giggled, on the other end of the FaceTime. "But I don't believe chugging a gallon of apple juice at two in the morning is the best idea."

"Sure it is." Jungkook opened the jug, smelling it. "No one has done it before, so, I'm conducting a scientific lab procedure." Jungkook took another whif, licking his lips in anticipation.

"How does this help science again?" Rebecca smiled widely, Berlin in her lap, Spots wandering around the house.

"To see if the human body really can do it." Jungkook beamed and started chugging the gallon without warning, Rebecca trying to hold back her laughter. Rebecca screenshotted her screen once Jungkook's face twisted with struggle, his face turning red as he desperately tried to finish in one gulp.

"This is crazy." Rebecca shook her head, watching Jungkook gasp for air and proceeding to burp and gag before finishing the gallon. She stared with her lips parted and a smile as Jungkook patted his chest, burping slightly as he tried to get everything settled inside him. "So...how do you feel?" Jungkook covered his mouth and ran off, Rebecca cringing as she heard the door slam shut. "That's gross."

"Science sucks." Jungkook crossed his arms, in his seat once more, all remains of apple juice barfed up and out of his system.


"Joonie." Rebecca awwed as Namjoon walked through the park, a smile on his face. "You sent me flowers."

"I did." Namjoon put his other hand in his pocket, the sun shining brightly on his skin. "Do you like them?"

"I love them! Thank you so much." Rebecca patted the flowers, debating whether or not she should tell him.

"I ordered a year subscription for you." Namjoon beamed, extremely proud of himself. "You'll get a new bouquet every week!" Rebecca smiled and sniffed, blinking the tears from her eyes.


"Yes Becca?"

"I'm allergic to flowers."

"You're what?" Namjoon stopped in his tracks, completely shocked.

"I'm allergic to nature." Rebecca sneezed, rubbing her eyes. "Fall and spring pollens, grass, weeds, dust, pollen, mold, and - this is my favorite - cockroaches."

"Well crap." Namjoon chuckled, rubbing his forehead. "I'm really sorry Becca. I didn't know."

"No Joon it's okay, I promise." Rebecca smiled, putting the vase by her piano. "I love the colors. And the fact you are willing to buy me flowers despite living in a different country is extremely heartwarming. Thank you so much."

"Well, I'l just have to find something else to send you now."


"Okay this better work." Yoongi grumbled, putting on his headphones, them bluetooth-ically connected to his phone.

"Of course it'll work." Rebecca smiled widely, putting in her AirPods, setting her phone against her piano. "Why wouldn't it?"

"The connection could lag. We can't hear each other and ourselves. We mess up. We-" Yoongi began to list, counting with his fingers, no hesitation.

"Okay okay." Rebecca cut off Yoongi with a laugh. "Let's be positivite and try it out. We've been practicing this for a while."

Yoongi and Rebecca decided on a duet piece about two weeks ago and have been working endlessly on it. Of course they wanted to do it sooner, but Yoongi refused to do anything until Rebecca's wrist was 100% healed.

Did Rebecca lie to Yoongi that it was healed? Yes of course. She took off the brace while on call with Yoongi and pretended it didn't hurt. It was only sore at times, that's all. Nothing major.

"One, two, one two ready go." Yoongi counted off, Rebecca starting the duet, Yoongi coming in on the down beat of the second measure, the two's chords mending together perfectly. The notes were written to be perfect, and that's how they ended.

It worked out perfectly, the two able to hear each other's piano and their own, not a single mistake made by any of them.

"See?" Rebecca smiled, Yoongi smiling as well once they finished. "Now was that worth all the negativity?"



Jin groaned as he rolled over in bed, grabbing his phone which rang beside his bed. He smiled once he saw Rebecca's name on his phone.

"Oh boy, what do you want?" Jin joked softly, laying on his back, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm trying to not mess up the meal you sent me but you're handwriting his horrible and I can't figure it out." Rebecca laughed slightly, trying to read the paper. "Like 'add the rabit as... while fasting' ?"

Jin snorted, sitting up in bed and turning on his bed light. "Okay okay, maybe English isn't my best handwriting."

"Yeah it's not." Rebecca laughed, Jin rolling his eyes with a smile.

"What step are you on and maybe I can walk you through it."


"So what are you doing today Jin?" Rebecca asked, her phone on speaker as she cleaned up the kitchen, the food in the microwave, waiting for her. "Any big plans?" She waited for his response, but one never came.

She frowned and made sure the call was still ongoing, and that's when she caught sight of the time. "Oh shit it's three am for you." Rebecca hit her head lightly. "Shit sorry Jin. Sleep well, bye." Rebecca hit her head again ending the call. "Wow, you've known them for over a year and you still aren't considerate of the time zone.

Meanwhile, Jin walked back into his room, a bowl of icecream and a spoon in his hands. "Hello?" Jin spoke through his mouth full. "Becca?" He frowned once he saw the phone call was ended. "Oh you're hiding from me?"

Rebecca jumped at the sound of her phone ringing, and her eeys widened even more once she saw it was Jin. "Jin?"

"Yo why did you hang up on me?"

"I thought you were sleeping!"

"I told you I was getting icecream!"

"At three am?!"

"Hey you woke me up!"

"Don't blame this on me!"

"I'm blaming it on you!"


"This is the fifth time in one page that I've tried to kiss the girl." Hoseok laughed, Rebecca shushing him.

"Keep reading it gets worse!" Rebecca laughed, watching Hoseok's icon read through her very, very old one shot she wrote about him.

" 'Make me your's' " Hoseok mumbled, not noticing Taehyung standing at the door.

"Hyung?" Taehyung demanded, Hoseok losing his shit and practically jumping out of the chair he was in. Taehyung locked eyes with Rebecca in the screen as well. "What the hell was that?" Hoseok held up his tablet, displaying the one shot.

"It was Rebecca's words." Hoseok squeaked, Taehyung taking the tablet to scroll through the words.

"Taehyung that was five years ago!" Rebecca spoke through her hands, eyes wide as she waited for her boyfriend's response. "We were just making fun of it I swear." Taehyung landed his eyes on Hoseok who shrunk away, Rebecca waiting with her hands slowly falling from her mouth.

"Do you have any of me?" Taehyung beamed, sitting on Hoseok's lap, Hoseok and Rebecca frozen.

idk there's plot next chapter
maybe idk

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