"What happened Namjoon-ah?" Sejin rushed towards him, alarmed. "Joon-ah?" Jin approached him. "What happened?" Not having any voice to speak, Namjoon lifted his right hand, to show the red bruise all over his index, middle and ring fingers. "Well, shit!" Yoongi cursed, deciphering the situation. In a matter of minutes, the whole company went up in a frenzy!

"You'll be fine. Just stay still. We'll find her. Don't worry." Bang PD assured, to which Namjoon only nodded. He was lying on his bed, the difference being, that the bed was dragged out to the living room and he was lying on the bed while his younger sister, Kyung Min and his stylist Noona sat beside him.

"Oppa, stay strong. They'll find her. You'll be fine." Kyung Min stroked his hair. Namjoon nodded, his right knuckles and the whole arm throbbing. As time passed, he knew that this ache was gonna spread all over his body.

When Namjoon called his parents to inform them of the situation, they weren't ready to let their son go through all of this without anyone in the family. His mum had called his younger sister and within an hour, Kim Kyung Min was there, by her older brother's side.

This wasn't the first time one of the Bangtan members had found their soulmates. But Jimin had bonded with one of the known faces of the company. His stylist, Mi Eun.

While Jin's soulmate was his girlfriend, they didn't have to watch their survival depending on finding a girl, who was both nameless and faceless to the whole company.

Jin sat all alone to cool his mind off. He was scared, very scared but he wasn't supposed to show it. He couldn't actually. Being the oldest of 7 childish boys, he knew he had to pull himself together. But, when the risk was to your best friend's life, it was difficult to get his shit together!

A warm hand landed on his shoulder and he knew who it was. The one whom the universe had made for him. Lee Sora, Kim Seok Jin's soulmate.

"Anything bothering you?" He nodded, barely holding back tears. "You scared?" Sora asked, in her softest voice, standing in front of him. Jin sighed and hugged her waist, breathing in her scent. "I'm scared. I'm scared I'll lose him. I'm not ready to lose him Sora. Not him, not anyone." Jin said, his voice muffled against her shirt.

Sora breathed out, running a hand down Jin's brown locks. "I know. Don't worry. They'll find her. It must be one of those fans in the concert." Sora smiled. Just then, Jin shook as though he'd been electrocuted.

"Are you okay? Do you need healing? Jin, what?" Sora asked, scared, seeing her soulmate/boyfriend's violently shaking body. "I think I know who Namjoon-ah bonded with," Jin said, out loud. "WHAT?! WHO?" Sora shouted, looking at him expectantly.

"Baby, I love you! You're a genius!" Jin pecked her lips and then, Jin grabbed Sora's hand and dashed inside, straight to Taehyung and Bang PD. "Bang PD-nim, we need to find something out," Jin said, looking at them.

"Now? Jin-ah. can't it wait?" Bang PD said. "No PD-nim. It is about Namjoon-ah's bond. I think I might know a link to her." That was all Jin needed to say to get all the members' full attention.

"The front row seats on the 121 and 122 section at the very front of the stage, I need their buyer details," Jin said, looking at Taehyung, who seemed to get an idea of which situation was being discussed. "Those were reserved for the winners of Big Hit Annual Lucky GiveAway," Sejin said, referring to his iPad. "I need all the winner details now. Specifically of the ones in section 122." Jin said pointing at a particular part of the stage layout. "Why is that?" Sejin asked.

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