on the outsider's perspective and they are in confusion

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ミルクボーイ || m i l k b o i

chapter eight — on the outsider's perspective and they are in confusion (aka the chapter everyone has been wondering about but no one asked for)


❝ sometimes we get too much into the things we are currently doing that we momentarily forgotten the rest of the world... too bad the rest of the world can not be said the same as they definitely did not forgotten about you as you danced like a fucking dumbass and sing off key as they watch in confusion and in mortification... ❞


IT WAS HONESTLY A very calm day. The boy's volleyball club had just finished practicing and they were already tidying up the gym so they can go home and rest. Maybe do some assignments that their teachers had assigned to then or study (for the diligent ones which was everyone beside certain four idiots).

Or perhaps just laze around and sleep (Tanaka Ryūnosuke and Nishinoya Yū) as they were too tired from practicing their beloved sport or maybe play volleyball in their lonesome as they want to play their beloved sport more (Hinata Shōyō and Kageyama Tobio).

Ukai Keishin (the volleyball coach and known to be called Coach Ukai) and Takeda Ittetsu (the faculty advisor of the club) were not present as the two had went ahead and left since Keishin still had to go and manage at his mother's store while Ittetsu was called earlier before for a faculty meeting.

Shimizu Kiyoko was also not present inside the gym as the beautiful third year manager of the team had left to refill the water bottles for the players, leaving the twelve boys to clean the gym on their own.

It was going well, really. The members of the club had splitted into groups to work and finish up their cleaning quickly to leave. It was going well.

It was a calm day...


Everyone perked up from the sound. 'What just happened?' All of them thought as they paused on what they were doing. After awhile, they went back to whatever they were doing. 'It must be nothing.' Again, they thought.

There was a moment of calmness for a moment again and everyone was ready to brush the loud noise off as their own fatigue creeping in as they practice really hard that day. After all, it was merely another normal, calm day.


Well... it was a calm day...


Everyone in the gym dropped down what they were doing to see what the commotion was all about.

Tanaka Ryūnosuke was in the middle of telling a funny story to his best friend Nishinoya Yū and his energetic junior Hinata Shōyō when they heard screaming. The three (somehow) jumped in fright from the loud screaming as they immediately looked everywhere to see who have screamed so loud like they were... well it wasn't in pain but... in agony...?

The scream was indescribable really but one thing came to the idiot trio's (almost empty) mind was... what the fuck...?

Either way, the three were panicking out as the only living brain cell in their mind seemed to be paranoid at the moment because who the fuck screams so goddamn loud?!?

The only people who scream are either so excited and happy that they scream in glee or people getting murdered! And the three fully knew well that that loud scream they just heard wasn't filled with happiness but more on... again, still indescribable but the three fully knew it was definitely not a scream of happiness and glee!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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