mother crow unintentionally tries to kill blueberry and suck ass descriptions

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ミルクボーイ ✦ m i l k b o y

chapter seven — mother crow unintentionally tries to kill blueberry and suck ass descriptions


❝ ah, yes, him... that mother fucker... that mother fucker who caused this bullshittery i am going through right now... fucking asshole who caused me to feel... feelings... ew...❞


KAGEYAMA TOBIO REGRETTED MANY things in his life. There was that time he did not read the expiration date of that milk he drank in his second year of middle school and gotten a rather bad stomach ache from it.

There was also that time where he had played with his volleyball by himself and managed to throw it too high that it had got stucked to a damn tree and Tobio had gotten an earful from his grandfather while the old man was poking the ball off the tree by a broom. (That old man literally nagged at him for thirty minutes non-stop.)

Ah, don't forget the latest dumb decisions he had made that he may or may not have regretted, Tobio not heeding his grandfather's warning of stranger danger and ultimately had fallen inlove with an unnamed [Hair color] haired male that had given him a probably (but not really) poisoned milk drink three days ago.

And also the time where he told his upperclassmen that he is crushing on that same guy who he doesn't even know what goddamn year level the [Hair color] haired male is and is now getting the most embarrassing thing in his life.

Ah, right...

Tobio was currently living that latter one right now as Sugawara Kōshi had grasp his shoulders tightly that Tobio would've winched a bit from the slight pain in the third year setter's hold. The first year setter took a mental note to never piss off the third year setter from how strong Kōshi's grip at his shoulder were. Damn. And here Tobio thought Kōshi might be the weakest one of his upperclassmen with how dainty the third year setter looked— apparently not.

The third year setter had been shaking the black haired first year back and forth like a rag doll for about five minutes now, non-stop.

And Kageyama Tobio was ready to empty his guts out.

"Kageyama! Seriously?!?" Kōshi cried at his junior as he frantically shakes the half-dead looking first year back and forth with no mercy whatsoever. In other times, the third year setter wouldn't do such a thing to any of his juniors (making them want to die or puke their whole lunch, breakfast and probably last night's dinner) but Kōshi just threw that mother instincts he has with how dumb the blueberry was. The third year setter disregarding the health of his junior as he continues to make Tobio want to throw up all his insides from his frantic shaking.

Daichi and Asahi only watched the scene in front of the with blank looks and worried glances, you can tell which is which really as the volleyball captain was questioning why his junior was absolutely as smart as a rock which wasn't with the rock being an inanimated object.

While Asahi was worried for the first year's health. Tobio looks like his soul was already ascending away from his body really, and it freaked out the glass hearted ace.

But despite that, the two third years did not made a single movement to stop their friend's actions on shaking their junior back and forth to the point Tobio either wants to puke his guts or pass out and probably die.

Daichi and Asahi had silently agreeded to each other that Tobio deserves this.

Wow, such great upperclassmen they are...

ミルクボーイ ✦ milk boyWhere stories live. Discover now