blueberry troubles and senpais woes

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ミルクボーイ ✦ m i l k  b o y

chapter three — blueberry troubles and senpais woes


❝ i don't usually have problems. problems are dumb and stupid. but when i do... well, fuck ❞


KAGEYAMA TOBIO WAS NOT focusing in the game right now. Everyone in the team noticed how his settings were either too low or too high for anyone to hit. Sure, Tobio sets like he used to at times, but mostly, his sets weren't at their prime. Tobio's setting was off and everyone brushed it off at first. But it had already been three days and Tobio's head is still not in the game.

The Karasuno team were worried. Especially the third years of the team. Kageyama Tobio was their official setter in the starting line up in games. But Tobio had been acting strangely for the past few days and it was getting in the way of his playing.

Sawamura Daichi, captain of the volleyball team and Sugawara Kōshi, vice-captain of the team, had already talked to coach Ukai about this. That they will try to get to the bottom of their beloved genius setter's weird mood. The two third years were worried and even Azumane Asahi, the team's glass hearted ace, had decided to tag along on their questioning later to their first year setter despite Asahi doesn't do well with confrontation (even with his large and intimidating structure).

It was already the end of practice and some of the players were thinking of packing their stuff to leave, after they did their own chores in the gym that is. The three third years of the team were huddled together as they performed their stretches.

"What do you think is the problem?" Kōshi had asked as he stretched. The used to be setter sent a quick worried look at Tobio who was standing far away from the rest, looking at the ball in his hands with a blank look on his face. To say the least, Sugawara Kōshi was really worried for the black haired setter.

"I don't know..." Daichi muttered as he too, aswell, sent a glance at Tobio. Eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of many possibilities on why the black haired first year wasn't in his A game for awhile now. "But whatever it is, we'll get to the bottom of it," Daichi firmly said as he clenched his hand into a fist. The volleyball captain was determined to know what is going on with the youngest member, Kageyama Tobio.

"Maybe it is about school?" Asahi wondered out loud. "Or maybe Kageyama-kun is just having a bad day?" Asahi muttered as he rubbed his chin in thought. Daichi and Kōshi both looked at the glass hearted ace then to each other. With a nod, the two male's simultaneously slammed their hands on Asahi's stomach.

"Ack— guys that hurts!!!" Asahi cried as he hunch over, his arms wrapped around himself as he tried to soothe his stomach that was in pain from his friends actions.

"Kageyama would've bounced back when that's the case, Asahi," Kōshi said as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave the still in pain ace a sad and disappointing look.

"Honestly, I expected more from you," Kōshi continued. His words piercing Asahi with imaginary arrows to the poor glass hearted ace. Honestly, Asahi is such a wuss. The glass hearted ace was about to protest and defend his thoughts when Daichi cut them off.

"But Asahi may be right," Daichi had said as the two third years looked at him in bewilderment but then in understanding. It was, after all, the most logical reason for their resident genius setter to be acting this way.

Daichi let out a sigh as he spared a look at the direction of Tobio who was still there, standing and looking at the volleyball in his hand like in a trance.

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