two cartons of milk and being curious

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ミルクボーイ ✦ m i l k  b o y

chapter one — two cartons of milk and being curious


❝ isn't it weird that we drink milk, stuff designed to nourish baby cows? how did THAT happen? did some cattleman once say, "oh, man, i can't wait till them calves are done so i can get ME a hit of that stuff"


[LAST NAME] [NAME] WALKED AROUND Karasuno High's campus in search of a vending machine. It was currently lunch time and the [Hair color] haired second year was on the mission to seek out a vending machine— preferably one with his favorite strawberry yogurt drink to buy so he could accompany it with the milk bread he bought earlier that morning before he went to school as his lunch.

Hey, don't judge him. His mother decided that her oldest son should live independently, so she decided to dropped him with his grandma in Miyagi and made him live there for the last two years of his life as she lived in Tokyo with his bratty little brother and never to be seen again. Thankfully, she still sends money to help with the cost. Yet, the male was still poor as fuck despite the money his mother kept sending him and milk bread was cheapest thing he could buy.

It wasn't totally because he just loved milk bread so much, pfft— nah.

Not to mention the store clerk gave him another one for free since he had been buying milk bread for the last two years in that specific store.

How nice. If only that store clerk would also stop smoking inside the damn store. That would have been lovely. [Name] didn't want to get lung cancer this early on in his pathetic life, thank you very much.

[Name] smiled when he saw in the distance, a vending machine. 'There it is!' The [Hair color] haired second year happily thought as he immediately fastened his pace and making a beeline straight to the vending machine.

You know, for him being a student in Karasuno for almost two years, you would've thought [Name] would have remembered every locations of the vending machines in the school's campus right about now from how many times he waste his allowance on spending it for his strawberry yogurt drink that he buys every single day of his pathetic life. But alas, the [Hair color] haired male was sometimes a dumbass and has the shittiest sense of direction in the whole wide world. Even if he attended Karasuno for the last two years.

[Name] finally arrived and stood in front of the vending machine, his [Eye color] eyes scanned the drinks that were currently available. A small frown formed on his face as he did not see his favorite drink that he had been craving for all day.

"The audacity!" The [Hair color] haired male cried as he looked at the vending machine in mortification when he processed on what was going on. This is absolute madness! Where is his sweet and delectable strawberry yogurt drink that he always buys every day in this damn vending machine?!?

If anyone was walking by, they would've seen a [Hair color] haired male dramatically looking at a vending machine in utter betrayal. And they would've definitely be creeped out by it.

The [Hair color] haired male pouted. This is a sham. How dare they not stock his favorite drink for him to buy and consume?!? With a sad sigh, [Name] decided to just buy the second best thing than his favorite beverage. Milk.

Dropping the correct amount of currency to buy the drink, [Name] pushed the button of the carton of milk and saw it dropped down. Bending down a bit to fetch his drink, the [Hair color] haired male was surprised when he heard the vending machine still continued to whirred itself to life and before he knew it, something dropped down directly onto his unprotected hand that he sticked inside the dispenser to get his drink.

"Fuck!" [Name] had cursed out in pain as he hastily took out his hand on the dispenser and saw the back of his palm of his [Skin color] skin was painted a light hue of red.

"How fantastic," [Name] sarcastically grumbled as he rubbed his hand to ease the slight pain. Glaring at the machine as he tried to soothe his pain, the [Hair color] haired male yelled at it like a complete lunatic. "You betrayed me for the last time!"

This was bullshit. He didn't get his favorite drink that he has been craving for all day and now his hand is hurting? What the fuck?

[Name] furrowed his eyebrows in deep confusion when he realized what just happened. Did the vending machine dropped something onto his unsuspecting hand? And oh, right. His drink was still inside the damn hand trap of doom.

With a wary glance at the vending machine, [Name] hesitantly put his hand back into the dispenser and felt around for his drink. To his utter surprised, when he felt the carton of milk he just purchased, there was another one beside it. The [Hair color] haired male took one first then went straight back to grab the other carton he felt. There was a small smile on his lips when he retracted his hand back to see another milk carton on his hand.

[Name] saw in both of his hands were two cartons of milk. Wow, maybe this day wasn't so bad after all. After all, he did just got two milk cartons in the price of one! How lucky of him!

[Name] stood up straight as he happily looked at the drinks in both of his hands. This was a good day. The [Hair color] haired male had gotten a free milk bread from that blond (he was pretty sure it was dyed to be honest) store clerk in a store close by the school and now he had gotten another free thing, and its milk! The second best thing to come after his strawberry yogurt drink!

The [Hair color] haired male looked at the vending machine and grinned. "I forgive you," [Name] said as he happily turned his back and began to walk to his classroom where he left his lunch was. It seemed like [Name] definitely lost his marbles. But no one sadly noticed the madness going on to make fun of him for that. [Name] was indeed a lucky guy.

The [Hair color] haired male turned around the corner and was about to come inside the school's building when in the corner of his eye, [Name] saw a tall, black haired male standing in front of the second gym's entrance. If he wasn't mistaken, that is where the school's male volleyball club practice.

[Name] raised a brow. Who the fuck is that guy and why was he standing there and brooding like a dumbass?

Way to be a hypocrite [Name]. Like you just didn't stand and brood a bit in front of a vending machine because it didn't have your favorite strawberry flavored yogurt drink.

Anyways, the [Hair color] haired male was deciding to weight the pros and cons on approaching the black haired male. Without him actually realizing that he was walking towards the male.

[Name] only realized it when it was already far too late as he was already standing behind the black haired male, who seemed to sensed his presence (or probably just how loud his dumb ass was walking towards him) and turned to look at him with a dark intimidating glare on his blue colored eyes.

Well... fuck.

This is what [Name] gets when he decided to shove his nose into other people's business. Damn.

ミルクボーイ ✦ milk boyWhere stories live. Discover now