He grimaced a little, "Too public."

I laughed and shook my head. He asked me what I was laughing about and I said, "I'm like a fortune teller. Remember? I basically predicted all of this." I looked around.

"Can you tell me what the lotto numbers are, then?"

"No way. It seems like you might have plenty of money nowadays. I need it for myself," I smiled.

"Alright, fair," he laughed. The same guy hollered for Ed again. "Um, do you have a pen and paper or something? I don't have my phone on me."

I unzipped a pocket in my camera holder and pulled out a card to give him. "My cell phone's on there."

He looked it over. "Ohhh, fancy. It doesn't seem like you're doing so bad yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "Please. Anyone can get fancy looking business cards made."

"If you say so." He started to back away down the hall. "Alright, give me a little bit and I'll call you, yeah? I'm sure we can find someplace to catch up." I nodded and we both broke out in huge grins as he turned around and started jogging down the hall to catch up with his group.

I ended up going back to the venue to meet with Ed, where he lead me into a small green room that wasn't being used. As I looked around in question, he explained.

"There are too many people on the bus and in my dressing room. So we're hiding in here. Cool?"

"Won't they wonder where you are?"

"Not for a while. Plus, I've got my phone on me now so it's not like no one can get a hold of me."

"Sneaky. I like it."

"Well I mean, c'mon. What are the chances of us running into each other again? It's unbelievable. I couldn't pass that up!"

"Yeah, as soon as I got put on this assignment I was super excited. I was hoping to get the chance to say hi but I wasn't sure if you'd even remember me," I laughed a little.

"Remember you? That poor gorgeous girl who was scared to death of her first flight? Who I forced into listening to my songs? That would be hard to forget."

He called me gorgeous. I might have blushed. "Oh whatever, you didn't force me. I told you I liked them! And now so does...basically everyone in the world."

We both laughed and he shook his head slowly. "I guess. It's all still pretty mad, if you ask me. I'm just a bloke with the same guitar I've had since I was a kid."

"I could barely even concentrate on taking pictures out there with all the girls screaming 'I love you Ed!!!' right behind me. Probably busted one of my eardrums."

He shrugged. "All a part of the job," he teased. "I can't believe you really ended up shooting me though. That's insane. Can I see some of the pictures?"

I got my phone out of my pocket and went to my email app. "I don't have my camera with me anymore but I did already email some of my favorite shots to my boss, if you wanna see those?"

He came over to the couch I was sitting on and sat right next to me. He (obviously) had showered and changed since the show was over and he smelled amazing. I pulled the email with the attachments up and handed my phone to him so he could scroll through them. I kept watching his face as he looked at them and I noticed how many freckles he had. And how clear and pretty his eyes were. I hoped he didn't notice me staring.

"These are great, Sam."


"Yeah, absolutely. Honestly, I like them way better than the ones I'm usually shown. Hey, who do you work for again?"

"Veritas. Out of LA. It's my friend Adam's company."

"Oh yeah, I know Adam. Well, I know of him. He's worked with some buddies of mine before. I heard he has a really good reputation out there. You like working for him?"

A little scoff escaped me. "Uh, yeah. I do. But he already has so many people, I only get part time work. The free trips are nice. But I can't even afford to pay my electric bill. I've actually been trying to decide if I should stay there or look around for something else."

He hesitated for half a second and then smiled from ear to ear. He stood up abruptly. He was excited about something. When I questioned him, his eyes got wider.

"Why don't you work for me? Full time?"

"Like...while you're on the road?"

"Yeah! You could come on tour with me. You could be my photographer and handle social media stuff. And...whatever else photographers do." He still had shit eating grin on his face.

"Oh, Ed, I - I'm not really that experienced. I haven't really shot a ton of...'big names' like you. You probably want someone who's a bit more profess-"

"Are you mad? This is like...fate or something! It would be mad for us to not work together!"

So there was the sign I had been waiting for. I wasn't sure I would ever even get a sign, especially not so fast and so unexpectedly. It was a beyond amazing opportunity and it felt so right that I didn't even think twice about leaving Adam's company. Trading that in for life on the road with Ed was a no-brainer. I couldn't hide my excitement when I jumped up to hug him and say yes.

"Brilliant! I just have one question first though..." said Ed.


"You're not still scared of flying, are you?"

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