16. the last of the dalis

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"Let me go, Denver!" Palermo yelled and the group entered the room. Rio ran and sat besides Velez who laid on the ground. "Don't touch her!" Palermo screams at Rio.

"call the professor" Denver said and Stockholm did what he told her.

"You have to listen to me now" the professor said through the radio. Palermo was tied on a chair by Denver. Rio picked Velez up which made Palermo even angrier.

"Son of a bitch!" Palermo yelled.

"Listen to me" Denver said. "Palermo tried to betray us" he said and goes to Rio to take Velez in his arms.

"What are you doing asshole?!" Palermo asks und tries to stand up but Bogota stopped him.

"He helped Gandia to get free" Nairobi explained to the professor. "Velez told me that Palermo helped her to get free. She didn't told me about Gandia but Gandia got at the same time as her free so.."

"Palermo, did you helped Gandia to get free?"


"You won't touch Velez" Denver said who gave her back to Rio. Palermo tries to stand up again but Bogota stopped him.

"It's all your fault" Palermo screamed. "Professor, Senorita Tokyo tied Velez up without any reason. No she passed out and these son of bitches handing her around like a death animal."

"Lay her down!" Palermo screamed at Rio. Rio looked at Velez.

"I stopped him at the door. He tried to run away with the suitcase" Helsinki said.

"Look into the suitcase" Palermo told him.

"Denver open the suitcase." Denver did what the professor told him. "What is inside of it?"

"Magdalenas" he replied and Palermo laughs. Denver looks at him angry and goes to Rio to grab Velez. Palermo stops laughing and tried to get free of Bogotas grib. "You let Gandia free and near to killed Velez and Nairobi."

"Calm down" the professor said. "Palermo, you betrayed the whole group. You aren't the leader anymore."

"And what should I do? Should I go back to the hostages? What the hell should I do?" he asks.

"You are going to shut up. Let Palermo go. A murder walks through the floors and you have to stay together" the professor said. "Where is Toyko?"

"We don't know. She's gone" Stockholm replied.

"She's probably with Gandia. Search for her or it's too late" the professor told them. Helsinki let Palermo go, who was going straight to Velez but Denver stopped him.

"Don't be an asshole, Denver" he said.

"I've told you, you won't touch her. You won't hurt her" he said.

"We are a team, asshole."

"Denver, it's okay" Rio begged him and grabbed Velez hand.

"Give her to me or I'll shoot you" Palermo said quiet. Denver wanted to answer but suddenly a small scream came from Velez.

"Velez" Palermo said and tried to touch her but Denver took a step back. Velez let out a cry.

"It hurts" Velez said quiet. Rio looked at Velez pale face.

"What hurts?"

"My finger" she replied. Not even the hit of Gandia hurt her as much as her finger. Palermo took a step near Denver.

"Please" he begged.

"Denver!" Stockholm screamed. "Stop! Give her to him. She is his girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend" Palermo said.

"Whatever" Stockholm said. "Denver!" Denver thinked about it for a few seconds before handing him Velez.

"We have to find him!" Denver said and thinked about a plan.

"First Velez needs to be okay" Palermo said and left with her in his arms the room.


I am so sorry for not translating in ages. I'll try to translate more.


word count:568 words

edited:not edited yet

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