14. master of war

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Palermo shakes his chains. He looked to his right side where Gandia is sleeping. As he looks to his left side he can see Velez sitting against a wall. Palermo kicks Velez to get her attention. Velez ignores him and continued looking at Rio who watched them. Palermo kicked her again but Velez continued ignoring him.

"Do you never talk to me again?" Palermo whispers. Velez didn't answered. She didn't said anything while looking at Rio. "Velez it's been three days" he told her. Velez didn't said anything. Palermo rolls his eyes. "How hard is it just to do nothing and watch everything? Now you're tied up too" he whispers/screams at her. Velez moved her eyes a little but then continued looking at Rio.

"You wanted to leave and betray us, why shouldn't I?" she finally asks. Palermo sighs.

"I didn't wanted to go" he began and Velez was confused. "It was a plan."

"A plan, for what?" she asks still confused and looks at him the first time after 3 days.

"A plan I made with Berlin and the professor" he explained. Palermo looks at Velez. Palermo looks at Velez who didn't understand anything and he closed his eyes. He looked at Gandia to see if he is still sleeping. Then he looked back at Velez. "Gandia is a dangerous man and we have to kill him or he kills us" he whispers. Velez thinked about it but it still didn't make sense.

"The professor didn't told us, why?" she asks him quiet.

"Because we aren't murders. No one of us. And if we had told the others that we would kill him and then act like everything was normal they would probably shoot us. So I would've act like I would leave, Tokyo stops me, tied me up and I will help Gandia. They would've realized who Gandia really is and had to shoot him" he explained fast cause Gandia could have waked up. Velez understood now and realized it wasn't Tokyo's fault, it was her's. "but you had to jump in like a lovelorn birch and destroy everything. And now you're tied up too" he said.

"You could have told me"she said to him and looks at him angry.

"When?" he asks.

"In front of the bathroom? We were alone" she said.

"We were alone" he repeated. "I would have done anything but not talking" he said and Velez looked confused. She went silent.

"So it was a lie" she said und Palermo didn't know what she was talking about.


"What you said. That you would kill everyone of us and you didn't care if you would kill me" she replied.

"Obviously it was a lie, asshole" he whispers and Velez smiled. "I wanted you to be angry and to hate me so that the others would've think you hate me and you wouldn't be tied up too" he explained and lookedd at Rio. "But these assholes are too smart." He looks at velez. "Everything okay between us, jackass?" he asks and smiles. Velez looks at him and smiles too.

"Yes, idiot" she replied and Palermo laughed. "Why did you need three days to tell me? I've need three days to hate you and thinked about how to kill you."

"I've waited for Gandia to sleep. He was awake for three days and watched everything. Then he passed out cause he was awoke for to long." This moment Denver came to them and looks at her smiling.

"What happened?" Velez asks him scared.

"Nairobi woke up" he asks and Palermo smiles. Velez eyes were filled with tears. Denver hugs her, Velez woulld too but she can't. Velez smiles against Denver shoulder.

"Should I tell her something?" Denver asks after letting go of her.

"That I love her and I would love to see her" she said excited.

"Alright" Denver replied and left. Velez is so happy and realized after a few seconds that Palermo speaks to Gandia.

"You can't get out of the Handcuffs cause one bone is in the way" Palermo explained and pointed on the bone under his thumb. "But if you discolate the joint between the first metacarplal bone and this bone, you can free yourself" he explained and Gandia thinks about it. Palermo smiles evil and got near Velez with his chair.

"You too, Velez" he whispers. Velez laughs but can't help and thinks about it too.

La Casa de Papel (Palermo) // TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now