30. el corso dorado

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"How did the professor disappear?" Velez asks, rubbing her forehead with her hand as if it would hurt.

"I don't know," Lisbon replied. "but he has disappeared" everyone looks at each other in the dark room. "But now it's important that we make a decision. What do we do with the gold?" Palermo turns to her, almost offended.

"Excuse me, darling, are you planning a referendum here?" the Argentine says. "Because democracy makes me sweat," he says, mimicking the Spanish accent. "The gold is coming out of here. There is no time to discuss because this group is debating, we are taking out the guns. And I am the first," he says, pulling out his revolver.

"The police could be right where we want to take the gold," Rio says. Velez listens to their conversation attentive and exhausted at the same time. Palermo aims at Rio.

"The police is not in the rain overflow basin. The plan stays the way it is."

"But what if they are?" Velez asks. Palermo turns to her and lowers the gun. "We would melt 90 tons of gold to give it to the police," Palermo says face to face with her, without aiming and without being aggressive.

"The police is not there. Gold is of no use to us here," he says, to convey all the security while she looks at him believingly, but with more suspicion and uncertainty than anything else.

"The gold is our hostage," Denver interrupts. he turns to look at him. “We take the hostage, give it to Tamayo and negotiate. Is that your master plan? "Palermo laughs at his comment.

"Yes boy, I'm a bloody genius," he replies and Velez smiles a little. "And I have machines down there that will prove that. Keep calm."

"And that's the only thing that interests you," Stockholm says. "Show us that your wonderful plan is working."

"yes" Palermo says. “But I'll save your life too,” he says and looks at Velez, whose eyes shine. “And we will achieve that by getting the gold out of here.” Everyone remains in a tense silence that Lisbon decides to break.

"Ok. whatever you want, ”she says and leaves the room. Stockholm and Denver follow. Rio sighs and finally Velez and Palermo are alone. she watches him sigh as he rubs his forehead. He must be very tired, she thinks.

"Can you get dressed, Velez?" Palermo asks without moving an inch. "I have to distribute pineapples." Velez laughs.

"Alright" she says and tries to get up. Palermo immediately approaches her to help her.

"No!" she denies. "I can do it, look," she says and shows him how to get up and walk. Palermo smiles tenderly, although he doesn't agree very much. "I'll get dressed and go downstairs with you to transport the gold," she says and immediately holds him by the shoulders, knowing he will object.

"Any wounds on your arm will open, Velez," he says, tired of denying the girl as he hugs her waist and touches her butt.

“Nothing will open. Besides, I have to do it, the doctor said, ”she says and kisses his chin.

"It will hurt you, honey," he whimpers, being manipulated by her kisses.

"Please. I don't want to stay in bed. I think about Nairobi and Tokyo a lot and I don't want to cry anymore. Look what my face is." She pointed to her pale face and puffy eyes. "I've recharged it," she smiles and lowers her hand to his crotch to manipulate him further, but Palermo stops her by grabbing her wrist.

"No, because I'll grab you and destroy everything but you're not in good shape," he warns and Velez smiles from ear to ear and laughs. "Come on, go. But get dressed first, now." He lets go of her and Velez hurries to leave. "slowly"

La Casa de Papel (Palermo) // TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now