03. who can it be now

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Velez tries to walk but her bread drop to the ground.

"Shit" she whispers/screams and tries to find her bread in the darkness. As she found it she start walking again but slowly and careful.

"VELEZ QUERIDA" Palermo screams in the darkness.

"Son of a bitch" Velez said. She stopped and closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. As she opens her eyes again she can see Palermo just in shorts, shirtless and with a bottle of alcohol. "Are you drunk?" she asks.

"No, I'm not"Palermo said but Velez attention gets to the bottle in his hand.

"Is that my vodka?" she asks loud.

"Who knows" It's her vodka. She grab the bottle from his hands. He drunk half of the bottle.

"Come on asshole, that was mine. You're from Argentina too. You know they'll kick my ass because of the vodka and you stole them from me" she said angrily.

"I'll buy you 15 of it" he said and bows his head down to her. Velez took a step back and Palermo falls to the ground.

"Idiot" she said and Tokyo came out of her room.

"What happened?" she asks.

"He is drunk. Help me" Velez said and gave Tokyo her food and her drink.

"Uh nice food" Tokyo said and looks at the food in her hands. Velez gets down and tries, with all her strength, to get Palermo back onto his feet. "Why does he get drunk the night before the raid?" Tokyo asks.

"Shut up" Palermo said. Velez gets him to her room. "I let go of you now" she said and Palermo falls on Tokyos bed. Velez looks at Tokyo and thanked her.

"Hey, I helped you with your food" she laughs and laid the food on the desk. Velez looks at Palermo, not really knowing what to do now.

"Do you wanna sleep in my bed? Velez asks.

"No"she answers."You worry about this guy. I have to rest and you too. Tomorrow is the rob. I'll go sleep in his room" she said while pointing at Palermo.

"Fine, go" Velez said und Tokyo said goodbye and left. She sighs and start eating. While she was eating she was watching Palermo exactly. He was laying on Tokyos bed, his shirts was a bit down so she could see a bit of his boxer shorts. His stomach goes up and down while breathing and his hair was messy. Velez knows that he is kind of attractive and she asks herself why he is always ,when he opens his mouth, such an asshole. When she finished eating she got up and turned the lights off but in this moment Palermo was waking up.

"Uff" he said and sats up, Velez sat besides him.

"If you have to puke I'll shoot you" she threatens him. Palermo starts laughing again and Velez rolls her eyes bacause he's still drunk.

"Let's dance" he said and sways out of bed. Velez didn't even try to stop him. She just looks at him and how he bites his bottom lip to keep from laughing.

"Palermo get back in the bed!"

"What? Sleep? Dancing!" he said while going to the Record player.

"Palermo stop the music!" she whispers but he just starts laughing again.

"No" he said like a fife year old.

"Palermo the professor will kill us. It's 1 a.m in the morning!" she said and get up to stop him but he just starts dancing.

"Everytime when I listen to this song, I start dancing" he said and moves his arms around. "And I'll go back. At the Buenos Aires disco and I'll dance. I'll dance like I did when the pain wasn't there yet" he said, still dancing. Velez looks at him but doesn't say anything. "Do it like this" he said and show her a few dance moves. Velez laughs.

"I won't do that" she said.

"Please" he begged and took a few steps in her direction. He laid his right hand on her back while he grab with his left hand hers and act like he is dancing with her. Velez let out a nervous laugh while her head was pressed against his bare chest. "That's it! Great!" he said and was holding her tigh so she wouldn't just run away. Velez laughs and dance with him cause there's no way out.

"Enough! We have to sleep now" Velez said while laughing and Palermo let go of her. Velez sighs and turned the music off. As she turned back to Palermo who was sitting sad on the ground. She gets scared.

"Are you ok?" she asks and sits in front of him. "Do you have to puke?" Palermo just shakes his head and Velez realizes that his eyes are wet.

"I miss him" he suddenly said and Velez don't know what he's talking about.

"What?" Palermo sighs sad.

"I miss him" he repeated.

"Who do you miss?"

"Berlin" he said and tears are streaming down his face. Velez heart breaks when she sees him like this.

"Everyone is missing him. I do too and I didn't even knew him" she said but Palermo interrupts her.

"No, you don't understand. No one is missing him like I do" he said and wiped a tear away. "He was irreplaceable for me" he said. Velez hugs him and he was crying now even more. Palermo is hugging her tigh. Velez doesn't say anything, she just listen how he calmed down.

"Sleep" she said and Palermo walks towards Tokyos bed, still a little drunk. He laid down and starts sleeping. Velez put a blanket on top him and turned the lights off. After a long time she starts sleeping. But something wakes her up. It's Tokyo. Velez looks over to Tokyos bed but Palermo wasn't there. She looked at the clock besides her bed. 4:05 a.m. She slept three hours.

"Palermo is already sober" she whispers and goes back to her own bed to sleep. Velez tries to sleep again too. She though about the things which happenend tonight. But more important is: Today is the Heist.


In the next chapter is the Heist!!! I am excited! And I also get two chapters a day... isn't that much but I don't care xD


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La Casa de Papel (Palermo) // TranslationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora