Comenzar desde el principio

"I need her bra back" i said with anger

"No bro" he replied and was about to leave as he turned around i shout again


"Chill bro! And keep your voice down" he said as he tapped on my shoulder and again he was about to leave so i punched him and we had a fight

"Yo, keep this, Avinash leave him, the police may come soon, we need to leave" someone said and threw her bra and Avinash glared at me as he left

"Bro are you okay?" Rohan asked

"Ya ya i am fine, what is this police thing"'i replied

"Arey nothing one of his friend heard kabir fake call police" rohan said and then I remembered when aashna said in the class that there is always a third way and no compromise is needed.


"Then i called the police, the police took my test and since i was clean, i didn't get punishment, and avinash got life imprisonment" i said and she nodded in agreement

"I am so proud of you" she said "but why did you breakup with Ava?"

"You know you told me Ava was cheating with your boyfriend, it was then, we kept our relationship a secret, and then i found her cheating on me, she fucking used my money and told me to move on, i was broken, i fell in love with her, head over heels, and a 5 year relationship was ended on a bad note broke me up! I got a perceptive that everyone will leave me" i said


"How can you do this to me Ava?" I said in dispair "i loved you"

"And i didnt" she said and my heart was hammered into millions of pieces

"Why are you doing this? Did he force you? Is he blackmailing you?" I said keeping my hand on her to make her feel that i am here

"No he isnt" she said and moved back "and get off me, dont you dare touch me again"

"Ava! We were in a relationship" i said in a broken voice

"And now we arent! We have to move on" she said "i am happy with Rahul! You too move on and get the fuck out of my life"

I was just so numb! Why did this happen to me? What did i do to deserve this? Oh why! God i loved her, couldn't you see my love for her! Why!


"Hey, i wont leave you i swear" she said and we had an eye contact, there were tears in my eyes and gave me a small hug

"Okay last thing? Why did you act weird that day, during the party?" She said and i sighed as I explained what happened


I was so excited to pick her up for the party! I drove to the grocery store and while buying stuff i met someone whom I shouldn't have

"Well well well, look who shows up" Ava says
"Hey Ava" i said out of formality
"How is your girlfriend aashna doing?" She shot at me
"She isnt me girlfriend" i said
"Well she isnt your just friend also then" ava said
"What do you want?" I growl
"A realtionship with you" she said and i was shocked
"What? Werent you behind Karan?" I said
"Yaa i was but to make him jealous i need you and to keep aashna safe you do as i say" she said
"What are you gonna do to her?" I said as i don't underestimate what she can do!
"worst you can imagine" she said
"Now you just follow what i say and ignore her, make her hate you" she said "keep her safe or find her dead! Choice is yours" she said and left twirling her hair


"Scared of what all she can do and fearing the fact that she will harm you and hurt you! I had to, i was forced to! I never meant to, i swear whatever i said to you rudely then was just so that you stay away from me and Ava doesnt harm you" i said as i clenched my fists in anger thinking about it

"Okay so now lets talk about fun stuff" she said "whats the most embarrassing thing your mom or you sister has caught you doing?" She asked and i laughed

"Probably drinking" i said as I couldn't think of anything else
There was a thunder and we both looked up in the sky, it was starting to get even more cloudier

"I think we should go home" she said and i looked at her stand up

"Wait i wanna tell you something i havent told till now" i hold her hand

"Listen to me, i have never done this before!" I said
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and how the story is going on so far! Just one more chapter left😭

QOTD: are you an organised person or a messy person?

(PS: MESSY🙌🏻🙌🏻)

Teaser: the proposal

Do comment any suggestions, feedback, ideas etc i am open to all, i love reading and responding to your comments

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter and want more such chapters


A KISS IN THE RAIN [COMPLETED] ✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora