Chapter 3: Declarations and Discussions

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"My parents had been successful in the business, making it known nationwide, her Majesty even approved..." Y/N explained, moving a piece forward, "though, when they went missing, it caused a slight denture in profits and such, and so I had no choice but to continue work for them. I hadn't thought my little sister would also disappear, especially with the heightened security around her and I. From there, things felt like they were going downhill emotionally for me. I feared that I may be next, but I grew to think that if I were taken too, I would possibly be able to see my family... but there has been no more criminal activity involving my family since then. I now see that I was foolish to think like that. Throwing myself into the pool of disappearances would cause more trouble."

Ciel only nodded, sitting back in his chair. He leaned forward to move his last piece.

"Checkmate," he stated, "thank you for the insight Lady L/N-"
"Y/N. Just call me Y/N," she interrupted, looking at the winning checkmate piece Ciel had just moved, "you can call me that in private."
"Y/N. The Queen's Lynx," Ciel continued, "her Majesty stated in the letter she wrote to me that we will be working together on your case. However, I don't feel that it is necessary for you to also investigate as your emotions may become an obstacle in the task at hand."

Y/N gulped. She had seen this coming. But she so badly wanted vengeance, so badly wanted to find out who did this to her first-handedly. It was her family. And she wanted to save them. If they could be saved. She looked at her shaking hands which were folded on her lap.

"Lord Phantomhive, I felt that you were going to think this way, but I truly feel like I need this. To gain vengeance. For tormenting me in such a way. Having this hope of my family being alive, yet there is a strong doubt that they could be dead. It's.... it's making me go insane... very slowly. I feel like whoever did this must pay... And that is why I want to take part in investigations," she said quietly, yet she still did not make eye contact with Ciel, breathing out the last word, "Please."

Ciel could feel his own emotions rise within him. This girl, she was feeling like he was, they both wanted revenge. They were both famished for the satisfaction of finding out those who caused them so much pain and make them pay for what they have done.

"Okay." Ciel said after a minute of silence, "you may assist in the case."

Y/N looked up at Ciel, her face staring right into his eye.

"Thank you." She whispered, clasping her delicate hands together.

Ciel couldn't help but falter a little from her gaze, and sudden statement, looking to the side.

"You're terrible at chess," he suddenly declared.

Y/N smiled slightly.
"I know."


Y/N and Ciel were now seated outside in the garden, eating a delectable lunch made my Sebastian. Luckily, Arthur, who was a terrible cook, did not take part in any of the food preparations. Instead, he had set out the tables, chairs, tablecloth, cutlery, plates, flowers and such, ready for the two nobles to sit at. The meal was rather silent, the quiet tapping of cutlery against the plate could be heard. A few birds were out singing, but that was pretty much all there was.

Ciel had finished his meal, taking a sip from his drink. Y/N finished soon after. Mey-Rin collected the dishes and scooted off back to the kitchen, without wrecking too much havoc.

"I-" Y/N started, but before she could continue the sentence, she found herself being tackled by what seemed to be a naked man with wolf like ears and a tail, "O-oh!"
Arthur was immediately at her side, plucking the 'attacker' from her using one hand with ease, whilst covering her eyes with the other hand.

"Sebastian!" Ciel said angrily, "I thought I ordered for Pluto to taken somewhere else!"
Sebastian simply bowed in apology.
"I apologise Miss L/N, I'll rid of it immediately."

A few seconds later, Arthur took his hand away from Y/N's eyes, her face lightly dusted pink.
"Th-that was... A rather interesting experience." was all she could muster out.

A blonde haired boy came running to Sebastian, out of breath:
"Ahh Sebastian!! Pluto got out and I-"

"No need Finny, I took care of the dog." replied Sebastian calmly, "though don't let it happen again."

"Yes sir!! Oh, hello there miss!" Finny exclaimed, catching sight of Y/N, his face lighting up and turning scarlet red, "a-ah you must be Lady L/N, you look very nice I must say!!"

"Thank you." Y/N said, a gentle smile gracing her features.

"Finny, shouldn't you be back with Pluto?"
Ciel said from across the table, looking at the gardener boy inquisitively.

"Ah yes!! Sorry milord! I'll get right to it! I hope to see you later Lady L/N!" Said Finny sweetly before scurrying off to his business.

"...Pluto the dog?" Arthur asked Ciel, "Was that Pluto who jumped on young mistress earlier?"

Ciel looked at Sebastian, who then looked at Arthur to answer.

Arthur barely looked surprised, and neither did Y/N, which was not expected by Ciel. He kept silent anyway. Y/N suddenly stood up.

"I should get going. Thank you for the lovely meal and the game of chess. I'll be sure to keep in contact and visit again soon." Y/N stated.
"Sebastian, lead Miss L/N and Arthur to their carriage." Ordered Ciel, keeping his eye on Y/N.

"Yes my lord."


Ciel watched the carriage leave from his study window. To be honest, he wasn't expecting Y/N to be as young as she was, around his own age. It seemed that Sebastian kept that from him on purpose. He "tch"ed and sat down at his desk again, thinking about the earlier events at lunch.

That was an embarrassment, he must admit. He felt somewhat humiliated when Pluto had jumped on Y/N, Arthur lifting him off of her like a feather, then having Sebastian confirming that that was their "dog".

However, he expected his guests to look shocked, mortified even, but there wasn't an ounce of either emotion on their faces.

"Something strange..." He mumbled, looking down at his reports and papers on the L/N family. They were the owners of the jewellery company 'Blood Jewels'

Y/N wasn't wearing any jewellery during her visit.

That was odd; the owner of a jewellery company not wearing any jewellery. She wore a fabric choker, but that could barely count as jewellery, it looked like part of her dress. As if on cue, Sebastian walked into the study.

"Young master, do you need anything?"

"Actually, yes Sebastian. I order you to investigate something for me... Y/N L/N and her company 'Blood Jewels'."



This one's a little longer. I've actually got a plot (yes really) and I'm going to try and stick to it. Little bits here and there giving some foreshadowing to what may happen later in the story~
I hope y'all are enjoying it so far, I've decided, I quite like writing x reader inserts :3 might make some more in the future~

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat