Chapter 19

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"The advice that I wish

I would have given myself

Is to not care about what

Other people are thinking."

                                                              ~Charlie Puth


Alex's P.O.V

It has been a week since the burial and as I make my way back through the forest for my training session I can't help but play the week back in my mind.

I haven't cried yet, but I think it's because I know I need to project strength to my mother so she doesn't break down completely. 

Although I know what I'm going to do tomorrow will break her heart, there's no other way I can do this without endangering my family and all the people I love. They'll both be alright, I know they will.

They have to be.

I told Ria about my plan, she initially disapproved but she understood why I had to do what I had to do. I had everything packed and ready, it wasn't much but it was everything I needed.

I picked my way through the forest walking slower than usual. Since Ria learned she had only a week to teach me she pushed me to beyond my limit. It was tiring but I loved learning about this new side of myself.

Also since all the magic in me had 18 years to grow and I had just started training, the magic was very powerful and volatile. So at every moment I had to be concentrating so I didn't accidentally blow something up.

"You took your time.", Ria says leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing. 

"Sorry I was just thinking.", I say giving her a small smile.

"About tomorrow?", she asks tilting her and studying me.

"Yeah.", I say meeting her eyes with my own.

I had learned to control my eye colour already but I loved staring into Ria's eyes. Her eyes could be bright blue one second and black the next. But you could never see the change coming.

I loved asking her about my mother and just knowing that she knew my mother personally made me feel all the more comfortable with her.

"You can always back out if you don't want to do it you know.", she says after a long silence.

"I know. But I don't want to back out, I can't. Not until Holden is old enough to work at my grandfathers company.", I say breaking our eye contact and turning to look at something that caught my eye.

"Do you want to train today?",she asks softly.

"Definitely.", I say turning back to her and smiling.

"Great.", she says smirking and I know she's going to push me farther than I've gone and at the anticipation I can already feel the magic course through my veins.

I've come to love this feeling of the magic flowing through me. 

"We'll duel today. But first I want you to do some of the basic spells I showed you.", she says going to stand opposite me so she can observe me.

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