Chapter 14

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"True beauty is not related to 

What colour your hair is or what colour your eyes are.

True beauty is about who you are as a human being,

Your principles, your moral compass."

                                                                                                    ~Ellen DeGeneres


^^^^ Alex's Dress Displayed ^^^^

Alex's P.O.V

"You know I was really impressed by you today. It's very rare that someone beats me in a hand to hand combat. And to be beaten by a girl? Totally bizarre."

"Thank you?", I say trying to figure out if he was complimenting or mocking me. Although at the same time I was terrified that he was going to turn me over to the authorities.

"Who else knows that you participated today?", he asks pacing back and forth.

"Just my mother and my brother Holden.", I say biting my lip nervously.

"Good, and I would like to keep it that way.", he says finally stopping pacing and looking at me with a pointed look.

"Wait, what? You aren't going to turn me in? I mean not that I want you to, but why?",I ask staring at him my eyebrows furrowed.

"You think I want people to know I was beaten by a girl? I am going to be the next General and when people look to me they have to see strength. And that will not happen if they know I was defeated by a girl, I totally respect that you could defeat me but the people need confidence in their next General, especially since I'm so young. Speaking of which, where did you learn to fight like that?"

"My dad taught me before he left for the army, and I practice the moves almost everyday.", I respond softly.

"Well the way you fight, if you were a guy I would have definitely recruited you to the army. Also, who was your dad, maybe I knew him?"

"James Harlow? He was a victim of those recent attacks.", I breathe out looking up trying to keep the tears at bay.

"Damn.", he mutters and I look at him just to see him studying me intently.

Deciding that I was done with this conversation I head to the entrance of the tent.

"See you at the banquet Nathaniel.", I say just as I was about to exit the tent without turning around.

"You definitely will Miss Harlow."

.    .    .

As usual, Jace picked us up and took us to city hall for the banquet. Before we left though I had sufficient time to explain to my mother and Holden about everything that happened during the contest. Obviously Holden would be collecting the prize money, I just hope no one noticed the colour of my eyes, because although I have bright blue eyes Holden's  eyes are dark brown.

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