Chapter 38

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"Whatever your talent is,

Don't be embarrassed by it."

~Tyler Hoechlin


Alex's P.O.V

"Alex! Move closer to the forest it'll give you cover! Go now!", Ben yells at me over the sound of the blasts.

Running towards the forest I try to avoid all the flying debris as best I can.

"Alex!", I hear from my right.

Turning I see Nate running to me. Reaching me he cups my face in his hand staring right into my eyes.

"Be careful.", He whispers softly placing a kiss on my forehead.

The moment lasts only a second before he's running towards the fight.

Not wasting any more time I run to the forest.

I crouch down panting trying to catch my breath when I hear a sound behind me.

"Well if it isn't just the girl we were looking for."

*Few hours before*

"Don't overexert yourself.", Nate says staring at me from across the table.

"I'm really not. But it's scaring me a little. Other than healing, I can't do the simplest of magic.", I say frustrated.

"Just be patient. According to Ria you almost burnt out. It'll take some time to come back.", He said leaning back in his chair.

"Patience is not really my strong suit.", I mutter.

"Maybe it's just your body's way of resting.", Ben pipes in from my right.

"I don't have time to rest. We don't know when they're going to attack!", I say burying my face in my hands.

"Alex, we've handled The Bridge before we had your help. I think till you manage to get your powers back we'll be able to handle them, alright?", Nate says, as I raise my head to look at him.

"We need to go. Troops are waiting Boss.", Ben says softly, standing up.

"Let's go?", He asks, looking at me.

"Yeah.", I say smiling, as we make our way out.

After Ria and Fayola left yesterday we didn't really do much. Nate sent me back to the infirmary to get as much rest as I could.

George's body was already sent back home. I hadn't been able to sleep last night, everytime I closed my eyes I could see George's body just lying there in a pool of blood.

I still hadn't gone back to the Bunk since that night, and I don't think I would anytime soon.

I also haven't spoken to any of my Bunk mates. The guilt at having this big secret and the fact that I couldn't save George, I just couldn't face them.

"Fall in!", Nate's voice calls out.

As the troops pile in I move to stand with them. The whole mood of the camp was sombre, like everyone knew a big battle was coming.

"After the events of the past month, we've decided to also line the camp with some of the artillery that we use on the coast.", Nate says, causing me to look up at him.

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