Ch. 10 Two choices

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Wooyoung had wasted no time in taking you to the restaurant as soon as you had gotten dressed. Even if he had literally dragged you.

Your hand hesitates as it reaches for the door of the upscale restaurant, one that was mostly empty due to it still being early in the day. You can't help but contemplate if this would be worth the possible hell San would unleash if he found out.

Wooyoung, upon seeing you hesitate, opened the door, and towed you in with him. Greeting the staff "Hi I booked a private room under Wooyoung, my friend is already here"

"Ah, yes It's the last door on the right. Enjoy!" and with that, Wooyoung walked you all the way to the door, pushing you inside.

"I'll be in the room next door~" Wooyoung chimed, trying to lighten the mood as he skipped away. Leaving you to mentally damn yourself for not being more prepared.

The two of you sat in anticipating silence for a moment, the two of you only being able to focus on each other's presence. The room lit only by florescent lights ironically strained the mood even more. Months being apart by the hands of San, all culminating into this. 

"You came" Yeosang mumbled, barely being able to hear himself over the rapid beating of his heart. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this close to you, let alone being able to talk to you. And now here you both were, separated by only the confines of a fancy table.

"Of course I came! I missed you" The crack in your voice was a bit too audible, causing you to shift in your seat uncomfortably. "I mean, how could I not?"

"Then why did you do it?"

"Do what?" you shifted closer to him, your eyes taking in his disheveled appearance. His once flawless skin was slightly blotchy from the countless nights he had spent crying himself to sleep.

"Why did you leave me for San, after everything he did to you. Why did you have to lie and take the blame? If we had just told the truth, then we could have been together by now" The anger in his voice was palatable, considering he had been holding this in for so long.

"I did what I thought was best for Ateez, you know what San wou-"

"Do you have any clue how hard it was listening to San pound into you every night" His skin turned a pale red, accompanied by the stain of tears freshly flowing out.

You sat up straight in your seat, your head down to avoid eye contact.

But Yeosang needed an answer and he most definitely deserved one.

He crossed over to your side, and lifted your chin up to face him. "Even now, your collarbone is covered in marks he left."

You sat there speechless, simply staring as he pulled at your clothing, wanting to see exactly how many marks San had left. Shivering as you felt his fingers tracing the outline of one that San left on your lower abdomen.

"Do you love me" The abruptness of his question shook you out of your haze. Now fully being able to see all the hurt on Yeosang's face. One that had taken the form of flushed skin and tears.

"Of course I do! Yeosang...I can't stand being apart from you anymore"


San continued racing through the forest trail, letting his legs fall one after the other as his lungs struggled to keep up. Begging him to take a rest. But he couldn't bring himself to do that. Not after having the guilt from the previous months build up into a tsunami of regret. All he could do was think about ways to fix things.

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