Ch.9 Reunion

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The late evening sky displayed a familiar grey tint, foreshadowing the unpleasant storm to come, but it didn't matter. You knew the boys would be back soon, tired and hungry from another day of practice. You took a minute to ponder why they had to leave for a whole day to practice, but in the end it only worked out in your favor. Giving you time to breathe from the relentless grasp of San.

You walked over to your bathroom mirror. Examining your face, watching as it had dulled from the months you spent under San's reign. Your eyes looked perpetually tired, and had long lost that glint of hope in your eyes. San was a good person, and things would have worked out had he not been jealous of Yeosang. Perhaps if you did a better job at hiding your longing for Yeosang, then things would be better. Or perhaps things would have been perfect if you just didn't love him all together; Then you would be able to at least move on and be happy with San. But it was too late for that.

You continued examining your dulled skin, before hearing a loud bang at the front door, Causing you to momentarily jump and observe your surroundings.

"We haven't even opened the door, and you're already dropping things"

You let out a sigh of relief as you realized it was just the boys back from practice. You opened the door for them as they finally got back home exhausted from another long day of practice, as they all plopped through the door. One by one greeting you as always. "Yooo Y/n did you miss us?" Mingi practically yelled as he pushed by Jongho and Hongjoong.

Nodding your head in agreement, "Mhmm, it was so quiet here without you guys."

Minngi gives you a quick smile, and gives you a quick passing hug before he skips to his room "Well good. I mean who would ever choose quietness over us."

"Normal people" Yunho quipped, as he followed after Mingi who had run off with his food that he totally didn't drop earlier. "Mingi you better not eat the floor food!" Seonghwa yelled from the back as he tried to catch up to his kids.

"I hope you enjoyed the peace and quiet while it lasted" Jongho grinned, as he went into the kitchen for yet another apple.

"Eh, I like you guys more" you winked, enjoying your last few seconds of peace before-

San immediately engulfs you in a hug, "Y/n!!! I missed you so much." You can't help but focus on his contagious smile as he leads you towards your shared bedroom. "How about we just cuddle tonight? I'm too tired~" he winked at you. You let him lead you to the bedroom without a fuss, after all you could just ignore him til he fell asleep this time.

"Okay, sounds good to me" you chimed, happy that you didn't have to waste another night trying to please San.

Even if he was a great lover, you couldn't help let your mind wander to Yeosang again.

San watched as you laid down on your bed, pulling out your phone and began ignoring him, again. He plops down on the bed next to you, making sure he was only a few inches away from your neck.

"What are you doing?" he asks curiously, trying to ease the tension that filled the room. His hand gently caresses your thigh as he tries to pull you closer to him, missing the days where you practically used to jump on him. "I missed you~I need you" he whines in your, his soft tone becoming a contrast with his usual rough demeanor.

You pulled away from him, the disgust being apparent in your eyes. "Can't you just leave me alone?"

"Jagi, don't be so cold, didn't you miss me? I missed you" you tried to ignore the hurt in his voice, too angry with him to acknowledge the pain he was in.

"Well maybe if you gave me some damn space then I'd tolerate you"

"Tolerate? What do you mean?" at this point he began to get upset, why were you being like this? Had he not taught you this lesson already?

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