Part 10♣️: Rescuing Angel

Start from the beginning

A slight dip in the road made the light-weight effeminate spider bounce and give a muffled cry of pain into his gag as his head his cracked against the roof of the boot he was laid in. However this new pain in his head was a moment of respite from the constant dull ache in the back of his mouth. He wasn't sure if his tooth was broken or hanging loose but his tongue felt something flopping when he prodded it and it stung too.

Then the car seemed to slow and finally stop. Angel, who now had the tire iron jammed into his back as it moved in the car jolt, squinted automatically when the reddish hued light finally streamed in from the boot opening. The next second he was grabbed by four of Henrion's fists and hauled out roughly, for a split second the effeminate pink-furred spider found himself eye to eye with the cold hard pink-eyed stare of his father. While his own odd sclera flashed with fear as the gag was ripped out he could see nothing but soulless emptiness in those slit-like pupils. Then he was spun around so fast that Angel had to blink several times before realising there was a gun in his back. If this had been anyone else he may have cracked a lewd joke about the hard object in the small of his back but this was the one man in existence who despised him more than anything else so he kept shtum. He didn't need to push the old spider further.

"Walk." Came his father's stern voice stated and Angel heard the small click that meant the safety had been taken off. They were in some kind of underground parking lot, heading for an old-fashioned elevator. The effeminate pink furred spider had no idea what was about to happen. When he got inside the elevator his father and brother got in either side of him. He could see their reflections as they stood silently waiting as the small arrow moved around the floor numbers slowly. While his father looked stoic and set, his brother Arackniss had his head lowered, his eyes were downturned, like he couldn't even bare to look at his younger brother. Angel suspected that this only was because he knew what was coming...

...The pale pink furred spider's three pairs of hands were still bound tightly behind his back as he found himself on the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings in the Wrath district where Spider Town was located. The breeze went right through Angel making him wish that he had a little more cover than just his flimsy striped blazer and hot pants. Despite being near the edge of the high story building he was facing his father and brother because obviously it was traditional to face the shooter and considered disrespectful to be shot in the back.

"Arackniss, ya'll be doin' the honours.." Henroin said coldly, turning to his eldest son and slapping his gun into his chest. This made the bluish-grey furred short spider give a gasp and struggle to catch the gun.

"What? Paps, ya can't be serious." Niss' pink eyes widened in horror at the prospect of taking out his brother. Behind him Angel's odd sclera pink eyes looked just as wide as his blood ran cold at the complete depravity of his father's mind. They both were looking at the old spider as if they couldn't really believe what they were hearing..

"Ya'll do it boy! For me, for this family, it's what ya've always done.." Henroin stated with a deep-set scowl.

"But I—"

"Ah for cryin' out loud! Just fuckin' waste me Cissy Nissy! I'd rather die by ya hand than his.." Angel finally intoned with a suddenly frustrated expression which only made Arackniss frown.

"Ya stay outta this, Bambola!!" The old spider declared and his words made the shorter, younger spider beside him looked shocked.

"Pfft.. Zat supposed t'be an insult? I was takin' ya side, for once ya fuckin' idiot.." Angel shot back with a deep frown, only stunning Arackniss with these words further. Looking at his little brother like he had completely lost his mind. "I getta last request before ya pump me full a lead, right? Gimmie a smoke, I'ma fuckin' need it.." The effeminate spider tutted leaning on one hip. He would have liked to rest his middle hands on them to complete the effect he was going for, unfortunately they were bound in front of him along with his top set and the set that he could not dissipate back into his side despite the longing to. He didn't like them being out all the time, it made him uncomfortable as they were his a safety net. Them being out and bound like this only highlighted the seriousness of his situation.

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