Chapter 10: Realization

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(Third person POV)

Currently, Akiri, Ikki, Stella and Shizuku are outside in the usual place where Ikki is teaching.

Akiri: So you're gonna be her opponent?

Ikki: Yeah, just got the message last night after you left

Stella: She never showed up after that.

Shizuku: Aren't you liking that more, Stella? You were so jealous of her

Stella: That's a different issue

Shizuku: You're so selfish. And your legs are huge

Stella: They're not!

Shizuku: They are

Stella: This is normal

Akiri: *sighs* Yare yare...


It is in the middle of the night, Akiri is on the phone with his father.

Akiri: So you really can't do anything?

Dad: Unfortunately. Sorry, but you're on your own on this one

Akiri: *sighs* I guess it can't be helped

Dad: What are you going to do?

Akiri: I'll just have to make sure that they don't get what they want

Dad: You know there are things more important than their relationship

Akiri: No, it's just as important...

Dad: I won't stop you, but be careful. These people, they will do anything to get want they want, to reach their goals

Akiri paused for a moment before answering.

Akiri: So am I

Akiri Then hung up and lie down on his bed


Currently, Akiri, Stella, Shizuku and Nagi is in the infirmary with Ikki unconscious. After a while Ikki began to wake up.

Ikki: Where am I?

Akiri: Hey, you're finally awake

Shizuku: Oh good... Are you alright?

Stella: You still have time. The match begins at 3 pm. You still have plenty of time

Akiri: Alice told us. Ayase wanted to meet you last night

Ikki: What happened was...

Suddenly, Kurono had walked into the room.

Kurono: You're finally awake, Kurogane. I know you're tired, but I need you to come with me

Kurono then brought everyone to her office.

Kurono: So it was you. I heard you were brought to the Nurse's Office, so I thought it might be.

Akiri: I was wondering what that loud noise was last night

Ikki: I can't tell you what happened. But I'll accept the punishment

Stella: Hey, Ikki!

Ikki: Stella

Kurono: You're not covering for someone, are you?

Ikki: May I ask you something?

Kurono: Huh?

Ikki: About Ayase Ayatsuji of Class 3-1

Kurono: (thoughts) He'll find out anyway if he researches a little. Plus, Shiranobu probably knows already...

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