Chapter 9: Spy

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(Akiri POV)

I am currently making my way to class. I then suddenly sensed a presence watching me and I immediately could tell who it was. I stopped walking and looked towards her.

Akiri: You know that I could tell that you're there right?

She then jumped in surprise and fell over. I made my way towards her and held out my hand.

Akiri: You okay?

She blushes and took my hand. I then pulled her up.

Ayase: Y-yeah, I'm fine

Akiri: Okay. So, you need something?

Ayase: N-no, I just... I want to train with you after school today

Akiri: Me? Are you sure?

Ayase: Yes. I want to train against different people with different swordfighting styles. Please Shiranobu!

Akiri: Okay then. I don't mind

Ayase: Thank you

Akiri: Also, just call me Akiri

She then blushes even more.

Ayase: T-then you can call me Ayase...

Akiri: A-alright

The school bell then started to ring

Akiri: We should get going. Don't want to be late

Ayase: Y-yeah...

We then started to walk to class together.


Currently, me, Ikki and Stella are being treated by Ayase as a thanks for helping her

Ayase: Thank you so much for helping me every day, Kurogane! It's my treat today, so you three eat whatever you want.

Ikki: Thank you Ayatsuji

She then looked towards me.

Ayase: You too Akiri. Without your help, I could never have asked Kurogane to teach me

Akiri: No problem. But I think what I did isn't much compared to Ikki and Stella

Ayase: Nonsense! All of you deserved it, For helping me to become better

She the smiled towards me and I felt my face heat up. Ikki then looks towards Stella who was devouring the food.

Ikki: Stella, shouldn't you hold back a little?

Stella: I can'f helph ith. I neef to eaf thish mush or my body doeshn't mofe well

Ikki: Really?

Akiri: You two have been roommates for how long? Yet you didn't know how much she eats? And don't talk with your mouth full!

Ayase: I see. But four servings of mixed grill, and three steaks and you can still keep that slender waistline? I don't get it

Akiri: Trust me, this isn't even her full potential.

Ikki: Oh yeah?

Ayase: Since I started learning from you, every day has been full of new discoveries. Little by little, very gradually, but I can feel that I'm getting closer to my father. I can't thank you enough, Kurogane

Ikki: Everything is due to your hard work.

Akiri: He's right. I'm sure eventually you would've realized it all by yourself

Ayase: Eventually wasn't gonna cut it... To get back what was taken from me

Suddenly, we heard a voice coming from behind us

The Phantom (Chivalry Of A Failed Knight X OC/Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن